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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 34 Going to the Shelter

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Chapter 34 Go to the Refuge (2/3)

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This damn natural disaster has almost wiped out the courage to live.

It should have been a carefree childhood, but now due to natural disasters, even drinking milk has become a luxury.

Seeing this scene, Nuan Nuan felt a little sour inside.

If she has no space and no enough money from her father to support her, will her parents be like this woman, carrying a heavy burden and trying their best to give her the best life?

The answer is: yes.

This reminded her of the extremely cold period in her dream, when Father Wen and Mother Wen also went out to find food for her, but ended up being eaten.

Nuan Nuan took out a toffee from his pocket, peeled off the wrapper and stuffed it into the little girl's mouth. He touched her head and said, "Is it sweet?"

"Yeah, it's candy. It's so sweet. Thank you, sister." Nan Nan smiled at Wen Nuan with her teeth white and small. The milky flavor of toffee exploded in her mouth, making Nannan reluctant to swallow. This is the best candy she has ever tasted.

"Thank you. Don't give it to her. Materials are very scarce now. You can keep it for yourself." Nan Nan's mother kept thanking her.

Wen Nuan smiled and said nothing.

Two and a half hours later, the shelter arrived. Everyone was carrying their things and looking for directions. They had to ask where the troops lived.

"Mom, look." Nan Nan reached out and took out a carton of milk and handed a bag of fruit candies to Jia Meili.

"Where did it come from?" Nannan's mother quickly stuffed the milk and sugar into her bag and put them away.

"My sister gave it to me just now. She asked me to hide it in my belly so that no one would find it."

"Then have you thanked sister properly?" Nannan's mother had tears in her eyes as she knelt down and touched her daughter's head.

"Yes! Nan Nan said thank you to my pretty sister." Nan Nan's eyes were filled with pure happiness.

"Nan Nan is such a polite and good child, awesome!" Nan Nan's mother stood up and wiped her tears, held her daughter's hand, and was led to her new residence.

After a while, the tall secretary appeared in front of Father Wen with a bald head and a furious look.

"Brother Wen, long time no see." Secretary Gao bared his teeth and greeted Father Wen.

"Are you doing this to keep cool or to save water?" Father Wen took out a pack of cigarettes and a box of chocolates from his pocket and handed them to him. Then he looked at the big secret. Well, he was in good condition, but he had lost weight.

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