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Chapter 18 Heavy Rain (2/3)

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There was no surveillance, there were too many survivors, and it was impossible to find out who stole it. If you just wander into a crowd of people and hide something, how will you find it? Couldn't find it at all. In the end, we had to let it go.

And this attitude of letting nothing go is more like a signal and a beginning. Once the gap is opened, it is as difficult as trying to close it again.

The warm home has also been carefully observed by caring people.

The thief tried in the middle of the night and the door couldn't be opened. And I also know that this family has a dog at home, because I saw it when I visited some places. So it's not easy to steal. If you miss and get bitten, it's a bit of a loss.

Nuan Nuan woke up the next day and saw the marks on the door that had been broken, and realized that someone wanted to come in and steal something last night.

Nuan Nuan told her parents about this while eating breakfast.

"I spent so much money, how can I install an explosion-proof door that they can open if they want? My daughter, rest assured, it will be in vain to give them a hundred lock-picking skills." Having said that, at night, Wen My father slept on the sofa all night.

It was when Nuan Nuan woke up the next day and saw the quilt on the sofa that he realized that his father had been watching on the first floor all night.

"Dad, you should go upstairs to sleep at night. My mother is upstairs, so don't worry. I just let kio sleep in the living room. His ears are good and he can hear the slightest movement. Something is really wrong, kio. Once you scream, you and my mother can hear it."

Nuan Nuan really didn't want his father to suffer. Besides, she has a crossbow and a wooden warehouse in her space. Just don't let yourself suffer any loss or get hurt.

He took out two wooden handles and a crossbow from the space, and gave some bows and arrows to Father Wen.

"Dad, there's nothing to do during the day. Let's go to the living room on the second floor and get a target. Let's practice the crossbow's aim. Although the wooden warehouse can be equipped with a silencer, it would be a pity to waste the bow. "

Father Wen thought it was feasible, so he removed the door of the study room on the second floor and fixed it on the wall of the living room to create a central point.

The crossbow is a cold weapon, its explosive power is not high, and its range is not as far as Mucang's. But the advantage is that the arrows can be used repeatedly, which is perfect for practicing your aim.

In this way, Wen's family of three would take some time to practice archery every day.

Every time after Wen's mother practiced crossbow, she spent the rest of the time using the gas tank to cook tasteless delicacies or semi-finished products, or else she would cook dog food for the two mythical beasts at home and stockpile it.

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Chapter 18 Heavy Rain (3/3)

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Now the Wen family uses water from the space river for cooking.

Although I have stored a lot of mineral water and bottled water, it is still a bit of a luxury to use it for washing vegetables and cooking.

Take out the basin at home and put it outside to catch the rainwater. It is enough for washing clothes and mopping the floor. Moreover, Wen Nuan has been hoarding rainwater recently, keeping it in the space for later use.

Mother Wen is quite satisfied now, except for being a little worried about her eldest sister's family.

My husband and daughter are all by my side, with plenty of food and water, and I am in good condition. However, the accuracy of the crossbow is a bit off, and I need to practice more frequently.

Three days later, the water level rose by more than one meter.

Mother Wen said to Father Wen, "When the rain stops, I want to go find my eldest sister and see how they are doing. The communication has not been restored and I can't contact them. I don't feel confident."

Nuan Nuan comforted Wen's mother and said, "Mom, don't worry. In my dream, the rain will stop in two days at most. Then our whole family will go to my aunt's house to visit. We will also get some food." Mother Wen nodded.

Nuan Nuan was right. After two days, the rain really stopped, and the sun appeared in the sky again after a long absence. The sun spreads to the earth, and the warm sunshine shines warmly on the survivors.

From hurricanes to floods, people have never felt that their lives have been so difficult for more than a month. Although there is a tent, it rains every day and the inside of the tent is damp.

But there is no way, there is no spare tent for you to replace. How can there be so many tents for you to sleep in? There are several people crowded into a tent.

Not to mention food, the army delivers supplies once a week, including four compressed biscuits and five bottles of mineral water per person. Some people simply don’t have enough to eat. What should I do if they don’t have enough to eat? You can only steal and rob.

Some people who went out to look for food in the early stage were better off and had some food in hand. But you should also guard against being stolen.

Those who didn't go out to find food were counting on these compressed biscuits to survive. How can you pay back your food rations after they were robbed? After repeated beatings, some people didn't know who stole it or what to do, so they had to go to the district chief.

The district chief will also warn everyone not to steal or rob. If someone steals or robs, and the report comes to him, the food distribution will be stopped. But is it useful? Useful, but not huge.

Those who can listen to what is said are honest and well-behaved people, but there are very few such people.

After being depressed for a long time, subject to too much control, and without big data monitoring, people tend to do extreme things.

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