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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 17 The Flood is Coming

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Chapter 17 The flood is coming (2/3)

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Nuan Nuan raised her hand and touched it, then returned to the bedroom and waited for her mother to bring her hot water and take a shower.

It was already an hour after I finished washing and eating. Nuan Nuan hugged the younger one and led the older one back to the house to sleep. She had no energy to chat today and she was almost exhausted.

Father Wen and Mother Wen also returned to the second floor. "The water outside has already reached the thighs. My daughter and I just went out this morning and it was just above the calves." Father Wen leaned on the bed and chatted with Mother Wen.

"Is it rising so fast?" Mother Wen also leaned on the bed and looked at her old man and said.

"Well, it's a good thing our daughter has some space. Otherwise, our family's life wouldn't be so easy now. Although we won't run out of food and clothing right now, we definitely won't have as much worry as we do now." Father Wen lamented, While patting the back of his wife's hand with his hand.

The two chatted in the room, and gradually there was no sound of conversation. The room was quiet except for the steady sound of breathing.

When Nuan Nuan returned to the bedroom, she first put Xiaobai in his own little nest on the bed. Then she got into bed herself. She was almost exhausted today and wanted to sleep.

Kio jumped on the bed and lay down on another pillow. His dark brown eyes looked at the warmth for a while, and then he gradually closed them and fell asleep. Have a good night's sleep.

The tenth day of heavy rain.

Wen's mother was making dumplings in the kitchen, and Wen's father was helping.

Nuan Nuan sat on the carpet and watched Xiaobai's not very flexible body jumping up and down on Kio. Kio also lay down obediently and let it jump around on him.

Xiaobai, the white tiger that Wen Nuan picked up in Beautiful Country, is now one month old.

It was already a big tiger, so Xiaobai learned to go to the toilet in the basin. Nuan Nuan forgot to stock up on cat litter, so when Xiaobai went to the toilet, he only used sand.

Xiaobai can eat complementary foods in about 45 days. The staple food is still goat milk powder, and the supplementary food is minced meat. When the puppy reaches 4-5 months old, it can be completely weaned.

Xiaobai can understand some simple words now.

For example: "Xiaobai, come here." I saw a little guy with dark brown stripes and snow-white fur intertwined with each other, running over to find warmth with all four limbs. From time to time another face stop comes.

The whole body is covered in flesh, and the hair is extremely soft, making him cute and naive.

Wen Nuan made a bottle of milk powder for it, held it and fed it. "Drink. When you're full, my sister will give you a bath."

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Zero Seven Novels > Urban Novels > Doomsday Disaster: I Have Space > Chapter 17 The Flood is Coming

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Chapter 17 The flood is coming (3/3)

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"Please feed him less. Feed him eight hundred times a day. Look, he's almost fat and cracking!" Mother Wen complained while making dumplings.

Tiger cubs that are about one month old and weigh around 35 kilograms are considered well-fed. However, Xiaobai was fed well and forced to let Nuan Nuan feed him to a weight of 5 kilograms.

Wen Nuan answered confidently, "Xiaobai is not fat. He is now a baby. He digests quickly, eats a lot, and keeps up with nutrition. He will grow strong and will not suffer any disadvantages in future fights."

Maybe this is the way mothers feel that their children eat less and are not fat at all.

Wen's mother complained to Wen's father about her daughter. Wen's father rolled out the dumpling wrappers quickly and smiled without saying a word.

What to say? He couldn't afford to offend either side. So, shut up and just laugh.

Wen Nuan heated up a basin of hot water, mixed it with cold water, and adjusted it to warm water for Xiaobai to take a bath. "Oh my, look at you, you are so dirty. How many days have I just given you a bath? Look at how dirty you are."

Xiaobai didn't resist taking a bath, and he was quite happy playing in the bathtub. Kio squatted on one side and watched.

The heavy rain continued on the thirteenth day.

The Xinji Reservoir in City C was washed away.

The floods destroyed the low-rise buildings in the old city. The old houses had escaped the hurricane, but they could not withstand the baptism of the floods and fell down with a rumble. The sound of wailing is endless.

The floods inundated the city, and many people's homes were flooded. The survivors had no choice but to head upstairs to safety.

Fortunately, the warm home is fine, because it is halfway up the mountain, and the hurricane passed by here and escaped the flood.

The government began to urgently look for new shelters. High-lying buildings, mansions, factories, and hills were all covered with tents.

The entire City C is now in a state of paralysis, the power has not been repaired, and the flood is coming.

It was as if all the misfortunes had happened at once.

Heavy rain came and the search and rescue work was forced to stop. The flood has come again this time, and people who have not yet recovered are not only without a home, but also face an elusive escape.

The arrival of the flood desperately hits the human spiritual world.

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