I called the pet shop owner again and said I wanted to buy more dog food and send it to the rescue center. We ordered 20,000 bags of dog food, 500 boxes each of freeze-dried dog food, teething sticks, goat milk powder, and cans. We also bought some of the various medicines used by our pets as backup. Gave the boss the address of the warehouse. The boss said that the quantity was too large and it would take a few days to prepare the goods. Wen Nuan was not in a hurry, so he nodded and agreed.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Nuan Nuan got up early, put on clothes and went to the building materials market.

Domestic animals can be raised in the space, so some nests need to be built for them in the space.

Fences, tiles, bricks and cement are needed. Wen Nuan also found someone to order 10,000 heavy-duty wide shelves, one-story, two meters high and two meters wide. Materials used to arrange space. This saves space for more things.

After coming out of the building materials market, Wen Nuan asked the truck behind to follow him and go to the warehouse to put things away.

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Chapter 8 Preparing Supplies 3 (2/2)

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It was already noon by the time we finished collecting the cement bricks. I took out a piece of bread in the space and ate it, then ran to the agricultural market. I bought all the seeds of fruits and vegetables on the market, including grain seeds.

Nowadays, grain seeds are produced in one crop. It’s okay to save seeds if you want, but the yield won’t be high. You can also buy native seeds, but they are expensive. Wen Nuan doesn't know how to choose, so he's going to let Lao Wen Tou choose.

After writing this down, Nuan Nuan turned around and went to the wholesale market.

The storage boxes she bought at the market were not enough, so she wholesaled a large number of large, medium and small storage boxes to hold some odds and ends or vegetables, eggs, meat and the like.

It was already past three in the afternoon when we came out of the wholesale market, and Wen Nuan went directly to the warehouse. Waiting in the car for the slaughterhouse people to come.

After everything was put into the warehouse, Wen Nuan opened a box and looked at the meat inside. Well, it was all fresh, and ice packs were also placed to keep it fresh. Nuan Nuan waved his hand and took it all away.

The day passed quietly while Wen Nuan was busy running around.

After running for a day, I was exhausted. But I can’t rest, there are still so many things I haven’t done, and I feel like there’s not enough time!

A family of four entered the space after dinner.

There is no sun in the space, but it is as bright as day and the temperature is suitable. Comfortable enough to make you sleepy. After running around for a whole day, I was so tired that I fell asleep on the stone bench.

Nuan Nuan fell asleep, but Wen Guoqiang and his wife couldn't sleep. Time is tight and the task is heavy. Father Wen and Mother Wen were building nests for the livestock on the grass outside.

The nest starts from the edge of the space and extends far away. The height is 12 meters, the thickness is just one layer of bricks, and there is no roof. The walls are connected together and separated by fences. This is convenient, as long as it prevents chickens, ducks and geese from running around.

After fifteen minutes of light sleep, Wen Nuan woke up. Seeing that his parents were still working stupidly, Nuan Nuan got up to move around and go to the warehouse to organize supplies.

In fact, there is no need to organize the supplies, because the shelves haven’t arrived yet, so just organize them casually now, and then arrange them properly when the shelves arrive.

So far, I have been traveling for eight days in total. Rice and noodles alone are enough to keep the family from going hungry in the days to come. Just save some food and you'll be fine for decades. What's more, Wen Guoqiang rented another warehouse, and Nuan Nuan could harvest a batch of supplies every three or four days.

After sorting out the supplies in the warehouse, Nuan Nuan went out to help. It's faster for three people.

They were busy until midnight and the wall was not finished yet, but after five nests were separated, the three of them returned to the bedroom to wash up and go to sleep.

The next day, Wen Nuan got up early and had breakfast with her parents before going to the ranch to buy a few pairs of livestock.

Wen's father called the engineering team at home to replace the home with the highest-standard blast-proof doors and bullet-proof windows.

Mother Wen is going to the mall to buy some clothes for the whole family, and then to the supermarket to buy some discounted products. When the time is up, go to the hotel, restaurant, or food court to pick up the food you ordered in advance.

Don't underestimate Mother Wen. During the eight days, I seriously stocked up on delicious food. Barbecue, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Shandong cuisine, etc., there are only things you can’t think of. There is nothing she hasn’t stocked up on. Even stinky tofu, Wen’s mother has stored hundreds of boxes in the space.

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