Well, I hated walking on board flooring; carpeting floors were better, in my opinion.

Locating the air freshener underneath the sink, I grabbed it and padded back to my bedroom until an eerie feeling stumbled upon me.

My heart thumped in my ears as I slowly turned my head to view the man sitting in the corner of my living room, next to the window with half of his face hidden; his mask hidden, a ghostface mask with a gun aimed at me.

Turmoil flooded my mind as I slowly lifted my hands with the air freshener in my possession.

He sat with his ankle resting over his knee, leaning back into the chair while twirling the gun around his forefinger as if it were a toy.

This unknown man sat relaxed as if he wasn't wielding a gun. I quickly gave him a once over and my words to plead for freedom vanished.

He wore all black; black boots, and a black compression shirt with black sleeves that stopped at his wrist, revealing little to none about his appearance.

He even wore leather gloves, properly disguising himself if this was a planned robbery.

But my eyes traveled down his outer appearance and he had the body of a spartan; a man who's broad-shouldered with a toned physique-hard abs that exposed themselves with every breath he took.

He looked like he worked out every day and never took a cheat day.

As he clutched the gun, I couldn't help but notice the way his knuckles stretched the fabric, tightening his grip as he aimed the gun at me.

"P-please..-" I nearly used the restroom on myself until he pointed the gun to the side, aiming at the coffee table. "Y-you want me to put the air freshener down?" I asked.

He didn't speak a word but the gun remained pointing at the table so I slowly leaned forward and placed the canister down then quickly put my hands back in the air.

"I-I don't have anything if you want money. I'm quite literally broke. Well, I have a hundred dollars to my name. If you want that, I can go get it. You can watch me if you want," my lip quivered while I stood there naked with only a towel to cover my lower half.

I didn't know they allowed guns on campus..

This mysterious man rose to his feet and towered over me instantly. The compression shirt exposed his muscular figure adequately. I can't win.

Should I run?

Will I make it?



When he lowered the gun ever so slightly, I turned on my heel and sprinted into my bedroom. No gun was fired! That's a good sign!

My heart was racing. The only way out of this is to get my laptop to call for help and then lock myself in the bathroom. There was no other exit!

When I bolted for the laptop, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and I was thrown on the bed, on my stomach with my arms twisted behind my back with the cold barrel pushed into my spine.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now