Sun sighs calming Moon down as he sniffled and said "shhh, i'm sure it's okay, you can make one that's better!" he felt the twins glaring, he glared right back at them and they jumped and not wanting to face their dad's wrath looked away and stopped glaring. 

Sun calmed Moon down and he went back to his drawing and Sun continued reading the diary with a groan of annoyance and a slight bit of amusement. 

Dear Diary,

I see it around, a white figure. It's creepy, has one black eye in the middle of it's face. It came to me today and spoke to me, said that it wanted to get rid of the twins just as much as I did. We talked for  a while and it explained it was a deity that got wrongly trapped by its twin Fate, it also explained that it needed help get free of the chains that stopped it from getting rid of the twins and powers. It seemed trustworthy enough, very nice! It said its name was... Star? It also explained how to make a dimensional portal and now we have a portal in the ball pit, awesome!

Sun looks surprised and alarmed, he had wondered how Moon suddenly had the knowledge on how to make a dimensional portal, but also... this deity, it sounds creepy. Sun didn't think it could be trusted, but Moon seemed to trust it alarmingly, he trusted it to fast. Way to fast, he knew Moon was never quick to trust someone but Moon just jumped up and trusted it.

No it seemed wrong, it seemed suspicious. This entity may be doing something to Moon, it could have been locked up for a reason.

Dear Diary,

I'm putting that dimensional portal to good use! The deity said something about going to the form of a giant ant to end Fate's corrupted reign, called it the ant queen? Why a ant? Whatever, I'm not going to question Star. I've always wondered who Fate is, I asked today and Star explained that it was his evil twin, she was black with a white eye unlike him cause he was white with a black eye. Kinda... well not creative but meh. So, to end the twins and this Fate's evil reign I have to make sure Star can escape these chains? Sure, I can do that, I'm sure I can figure it out.

Sun remembered, only yesterday that the twins kept muttering about Fate. Sun's whole body stiffened, he didn't trust the deity, this Star guy. But he began to worry for his lil Sunshine's safety, but he also wondered, why was Star chained up in the first place? It must have been for a bad reason, right? 

Sun didn't know what to think, he called the twins out of the time out corner and they pouted and went back to drawing but made no move to interact with Moon. He watched them concerned, and knew he had to keep reading in case this little diary had something else useful. Also... ant queen? He's heard the twins talk about the ant queen a couple times, he thought they were just rambling weirdness but now... no... is this whole ant queen thing something I should be concerned about...?

Dear Diary, 

Star said 'hey why don't we get some psycho in this dimension and hope the twins die?' so that's what we did. I sent a guy called Ruin Eclipse through the portal and hid in my little room, things went smoothly, the amalgamation kept asking the twins to play this game called one to three until pulling them forcibly out of the toy house. Me and Star waited with baited breaths and of course, Sun came along and saved the day and pushed Ruin into the portal. Which idiotically, I had left open. I was mad as I watched Sun comfort the two shaken psychos, and then he had the nerve to stomp into my room and slap me. I tried my best to keep myself calm and act like I didn't know what happened wearing ear buds and claiming 'the music blocked them out!' and then Sun revealed something shocking, and no it wasn't FazBear torturing him, I don't care about that, it was that he had adapted the twins! I was enraged, horrified, the fact he just forgave them for killing Eclipse was horrific!

Sun remembered that broken robot that had attacked the twins, he felt a rush of rage fill him. He can't believe it, he just can't. Moon did that on purpose?! And he didn't care about the trauma and pain I went through?! Sun's heart shattered, he would have hoped that Moon would care at least a little bit, but he was wrong.

Moon didn't care at all. 

Moon is already better as a little bean boy who knows nothing and is constantly being sat on by random birds,  he's already more caring. He looked at the next diary entry, it was a large jump. A couple of months into present time, he read it nervously as rage brewed in him more and more. 

Dear Diary,

I have decided, I have decided to kill the twins myself. Sun clearly can't do it, but I'm no coward. Star isn't doing much to stop me, he seemed to approve. Tomorrow I'm going and I'm going to tear those little freakshows limbs off In front of Sun slowly, and If I have to, I'll do it to Sun to, I'm over the constant reminding of how much of a failure I am! I am going to end it all, soon. Soon I'll end it all.

Sun stared, shaken but not at all surprised. After reading the past diary entry, it was clear Moon had just wanted everyone to suffer, heck it's probably why he used the static. To make sure everyone in a near radius suffered. 

And the constant reminding ended, just not in the way Moon had wanted. Sun closed the mental diary with a heavy heart and the twins got up from their drawing and went on top of the bookcase, Sun was about to stop them when he saw their drawing. 


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