"He's heartsick for Uncle Draco!" Rose said and ran around the room, practically screaming, with Hugo following her. "He's in love! He's in love! Just like the fairy tale stories!"

Hermione giggled but schooled her emotions. "Rose! Please stop yelling and tormenting your uncle."

"It's okay. Apparently, I was smiling too much," Harry said, still with a grin.

Hermione laughed and said, "It's a good look for you. Alright, enough playing, kids. Go get ready to go to your grandmother's house."

"Come on, Hugo! We have to get ready! We go to grandmum's house cause Uncle Harry goes to see Uncle Draco!"

Rose pulled Hugo down the hallway together into their rooms. Hermione sat next to him and took his hand.

"Your little bits are pretty smart, 'Mione," he muttered.

"Yeah... well, you've done a 180 in just a few weeks, Harry," she pointed out.

He snorted. "Everything's different. We... I have hope... it's... weird."

She pulled him into a hug and said, "I'm so happy for you, Harry."

"I don't know where to go from here. It's easy to say at the end of the night... let's meet again tomorrow."

"You can go as slow as you want. But if this is all you want...."

"It isn't. I hate leaving every night... and I hate the buildup of anticipation of the mornings."

"Why don't you invite him over for dinner tomorrow, then?" she suggested.

Harry looked at her, surprised by her suggestion. "Can I?"

"Of course, you can. I can ask Molly to watch the kids for dinner, too, so it won't be so chaotic. You guys can start having dinner together with us. Here or there. It's a perfectly acceptable next step. Then maybe just by yourselves."

Harry hugged her. "Thank you... for everything."

She squeezed him gently. "I love you, you dolt. I want you to be happy. Now... go shower and put on some nice clothes. Draco will be happy."

Harry let go and gave her a look. "He will?"

"Trust me. Malfoy will be impressed. Did you even remember how pristine Draco's appearance was in school? Also, gifts are a good idea."

Harry stared at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm dating him?"

She gave him a tap upside the head. "Duh."

Harry smiled. "Thanks. I'll go get ready."

Hermione had left with the kids before he got out of the shower. He scoured his wardrobe and couldn't find anything he deemed "nice clothes". All of his shirts were years old. He hated going out, but he grabbed his wallet with muggle money, put the old clothes on and, without hesitation, Apparated into muggle London. He found a clothing store and quickly tried on some new faded black jeans and a crisp, dark green, short-sleeve shirt. He'd have to come back and buy more as he was already running late. He paid and left his old clothes there.

He walked into the café, and nodded to Slater, who was quite familiar with their arrangement. He spotted Draco outside and rushed out onto the patio. Draco went to say hi, presumably, but he stopped and stared at him, his mouth slightly open.

"Sorry, I'm late," Harry said, nonchalantly, and sat down.

Draco was still staring at him. "Oh... it's okay. I just sat down."

"How was PT?" he said, with a smile, as Draco was still a little gobsmacked.

"I... umm... great... well... as good as it can be. My shoulder is sore. I think I slept on it wrong," he said and, finally, broke into a big grin. His eyes were still sparkling a little, and he was definitely checking him out. The thought did not unnerve him like it had before.

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