same tent

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Santana POV

The sunrise poked through my curtain, i groaned as it was just a reminder of the next few days that were to come. I realised I had to do a whole lot of thinking, why was i tourmentent myself my denying so many of my feelings? I had to get real with myself once and for all, for my sake and for Brittany's.

Once i finished getting ready i grabbed my packed bags and headed out the door for school.

"CHEERIOS let's go we haven't got all day now do we!" i heard as i climbed out of the car... shit i was late.

"well santana nice of you to finally get here." Sue glared at me while looking me up and down. She ushered me into the bus and i saw her. It felt like the very first time i saw properly in that locker room. The anguish and dread overwhelmed my senses. I sighed and slowly walked closer to where she was sitting at the back of the bus. The seat next to her was full of her stuff, was she saving it for someone ?

"hi" i cursed myself at how pathetic i looked and sounded, like a hurt little child looking down ashamed.

"OH! hey san!" she said beaming while shoving her stuff to the floor completely disregarding it. She patted the now empty seat, "come sit!".


ps. extremely sorry to anyone who was wanting to read more and i left it on such a cliffhanger for so long. Only a couple more chapters and it'll be finished.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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