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"That's me." I said as she pulled over across the road from my house. It was dark out and there was only one singular street light on. Although I lived in a really nice part of Lima, somehow they never bothered to fix the damn street lights. Regardless I wasn't scared, it was a relatively safe area. As I hoped out of the car and thanked Brittany I felt a cool hand grab my wrist.
I turned back and saw Brittany leading me back into her car.

"Yeah-?" I said confused.

"Can I get your number?- you know since we are essentially going to be on the cheerios together." She said confidently with a slight smirk. I handed her my phone and we exchanged numbers. I did a slight jog to my door so Brittany wouldn't catch my cheek bunching smile.

I was so exhausted, I just collapsed onto my bed I didn't even have the energy to muster going to the shower. I might just close my eyes for like 5 minutes then shower I thought to myself.

4 hours later

I woke up to the sound of a buzz and my phone lit up. Fabray this better not be you waking me up, I needs me my beauty sleep.
"Shit it's 12, I slept for 4 hours holy sweet hell" I verbally gasped out loud when I saw the time. My anger subsided when I saw who woke me up.

From Britt <3
Night Santana x
Love from Britt :)

Ah, I smiled at the name she gave herself in my phone and did a little jump off my bed.

To Britt <3
Goodnight Brittany thanks for the ride, sweet dreams :)

"Huh wanky" I muttered to myself just as my mum waltzed in without knocking.

"Mija why you smiling like that! Who did you meet!!?" She said as she looked at me with a sly smile as she stood by the side of my doorframe looking at me with her brow quirked.

"'Ma no one." I said as I looked down bashfully.

"Whatever you say Sanny" she rolled her eyes and proceeded to walk into her bedroom. I jumped backwards onto my bed and looked up at my ceiling smiling from the day.

Brittany's POV

"Today I met the most beautiful girl, she had dark raven hair in the best ponytail and dark brown eyes, I think she was an angel. Because when she smiled at me I felt like I was in heaven." I said to Tubs "oh and I crushed my cheerleading tryouts and I'm like totally more talented than like everyone else there... maybe except her." He meowed back at me. I laid my head back up against the bed frame and thought this girl is going to become my best friend. Plus her friend is also talented so we will become friends also.

I felt the heat from the sun as I lazily opened my eyes "Morning LT" I simply received a meow back, sometimes I wonder if he can actually understand human language. "Please I beg of you LT stay away from the ciggies, I'll be back after school." I said in a sorrowful tone and turned to walk out the door.

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