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Brittany POV

I saw Santana speedily rush past Mike and I, she looked...upset, sad about something. We linked eyes, but I was just as quickly met with the back of her head as she rushed further away down the hall and into the gym.

"Mike sorry I should get going I have to meet up with, um with my math teacher." I lied. He unreleased his grip on my cheek and let me go, oblivious to the fact that I was following some girl. I walked into the gym, but there was no sign of Santana anywhere, only our weird Cheerleading coach. I ran past out into the football field desperately wanting to find her, to check if she was okay, that's all. I reached the sideline bleachers, still nothing. I decided to walk upon the bleachers to see if I could get a better look, until I heard a slight whimper from beneath the bleachers. I popped my head through and saw her, finally.

"Santana! wait right there don't move Im coming." She tilted her head up stunned. I didn't even wait for her response I was already running down past the steps into the bottom secluded part where only the skanks would go to smoke. Wait, what she part of the skanks?! I thought to myself. Focus Brittany.

"Santana?" I said softly while touching her shoulder. I heard her sniffle and she turned around to me. I could see her eyes were puffy and red and her lips swollen. She looked so beautiful even though she had obviously been crying. She looked as if she were going to say something to me but they restrained herself from opening up. She looked guarded, just like how she would look toward everyone else in the school. But I saw another side of her, even in the 3 days I've actually known her. "So are you going to tell me what's wrong or would you like me to just sit here with you?" I said. She didn't answer me instead pulled me over to a little ledge further under the bleachers. "ill take that as a just sit with you then." I said trying to lighten the mood. She rested her head on my shoulder and I felt her cheeks move into a smile. I looked down at her, she looked so vulnerable, so scared about something. I wish she would tell me so I could figure out a way to help her. But I must respect her and what she feels comfortable with, I mean we were practically strangers, even if it didn't feel as though. She looked up at me and our glances met each other. She signed then diverted her attention to the other direction.

"Im pathetic just look at me crying, being comforted by a girl I barely know." she startled me with her words breaking the thick silence that surrounded us. She couldn't even face me, I reached for her chin and directed it towards me so our eyes would meet once again. She looked defeated.

"Santana, I may not know all of you, but the girl I have seen in these few short days is definitely not pathetic. Being vulnerable doesn't make you weak." I said to her. She didn't break our eye contact, it was intense, brooding.

She removed my hand hastily and rested it upon my lap turning away. "Look Santana I know feeling certain feelings can be hard, but you shouldn't be scared of your emotions, they are all valid and allowed to be felt." I said worried that I have overstepped some boundary with the girl I have hardly known. Without looking in my direction she reached out her pinky waiting for me to intertwine mine. I smiled and did so, and we walked silently to her car.

As we both buckled up our seatbelts she sat still and finally spoke. "T-Thank you Brittany." She said and gave me a soft smile while she just as quickly turned back around and started the car.

"don't mention it." I said as we drove off into the sunlit road.

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