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Santana POV

Brittany was captivating, every movement of our sequence she would nail and I couldn't stop leering over in her direction. Everything about her was just perf-

"Earth to San!" Quinn said while tapping my head, knocking me out of my daze.

"Oh sorry just taking it all in." I quickly explained hoping she didn't just catch me staring at the other girl.

"Yeah taking it all of Bri-" Quinn mumbled under her breath and chuckled. I didn't catch the last word but I eyed her with daggers at he thought of what she just said.


"Hey Santana, you were really good out there!" Brittany said while maintaining eye contact which was making it increasingly hard to keep my composure, but why? It doesn't make any sense honestly, I thought to myself.

"oh- I i uh t-thanks you too." I stuttered while looking down at the ground. Why did she make me feel this way, it obviously just must be because I'm threatened because she's really good at cheerleading right ?!
She snickered while turning around and grabbing her bag from her locker, when Quinn barged in between us once again startling Brittany and I.

"ladies you know what tomorrow night is?! GIRLS NIGHT IN WOO!" Quinn yelled pushing us both in excitement and running down the halls to Finnocence.

"Now I get she's your friend and all, but what the hell was that?" Brittany said with a giggle which instantly made me blush.

"Oh that, she's excited about her annual Cheerios slumber party, which of course as queen b she hosts." I said with an eye roll. Brittany meets my eye with a perplexed look.

"Oh shit I forgot you weren't on the team last year! Well I'll pick you up tomorrow and we can go together." She looks at me deeply "I mean only if you want to of course but like it's totally up to you like it's whatever to me you kn-" She nudges my shoulder stopping my rambling.

"Ahaha San yes of course that sounds perfect thank you so much." She says sweetly followed by a wink. I still can't get over the nickname I thought as my eyes followed her as she walked off.


"Ma I'm home."
"Mija come come pizza is in the oven for you I'm going to bed early tonight, te amo mi amor." My mum said while planting a kiss in my forehead. I ran upstairs waiting eagerly to text her.

To Britt <3
Hey so I can take us to Quinn's tomorrow night directly from school just make sure to bring your overnight things :)

My heart raced I don't know why but I couldn't peel my eyes away from the phone, I've never been interested in what other people have to say, what's happening to me, please don't be going soft Santana I said in my head.
I walked down to the kitchen and turned on Lucifer while taking a bite of my pizza when my phone buzzed and I bolted over to look who the message was from. My smile instantly grew wide.

From Britt <3
Cool beans thank you again I definitely owe you somehow ;)

Was she flirting with me?! Pfft no way it's probably just her personality.

To Britt <3
I can think of a couple ways you could make it up to me...

Now am I flirting. NO what the hell, she's my friend this is what friends do playful banter.

From Britt <3
Ooh very intriguing miss Lopez, you are going to have to show me tomorrow it seems :3

I felt my cheeks instantly heat up at that comment and turned my phone off and threw it across the room.

Next day

" ugh where the hell is my science textbook." I scoffed under my breath.
I jumped back as a hand slammed against my locker, turning around glaring, only to be met with soft blue eyes.

"Oh my god sorry santana I didn't mean to scare you that bad!" She said and rested her hand on my shoulder lingering for just a moment too long.

"Hmm you're lucky it's just you, if you were anyone else I would really consider changing your name and fleeing the country." She giggled at my remark.

"Sooo I was thinking for our little meeting after school, would you maybe like to go get snacks at the mall? Is that what you guys usually do at the sleepover I don't know I was just throwing suggestio-" I cut her off pushing her lightly into my locker. I don't know where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but remembering my surroundings I quickly jumped back flustered.

"Yes great idea Britt I'm looking forward to it." I take that back that was so sappy ew.

"Awesome I'll see you after school and..." she leaned closer towards me ear slowly, I felt her breath against my neck and I shivered at the sensation and in anticipation of her next words. "- I found your textbook" she said nonchalantly reaching past me and handing me my missing textbook. I stood there stunned as she walked away. I tried my best to play it off but I could have sworn I saw her slightly smirking as she walked off. I shook my head and walked to my first class for the day.

"Hey Q ready for the sleepover tonight?"

She looked up at me panicked "Um is that even a question I still need to get many more things organised like snacks, dinner and I can't forget the bacon-" I cut of her words with a slap which earned me a violent shift of her head in my direction.

"San what the heck was that you moron." She said growling.

"You were panicking and it made me panic and ah." I screamed. She glared back at me. We both started giggling "I can't believe you b*tch slapped me." She said through breathy laughs pushing my shoulder hard.

"Watch it Fabray or I'll do it again." I said winking.

Quinn and I walked out of class once the bell rung, arm in arm heading for our lockers. I stiffened my hold against Quinn unconsciously as I saw a blonde kissing some dude with black hair. I shifted uncomfortably on Quinn and unlinked our arms picking up my pace towards my locker wanted to get as far from that disgusting display of public affection as I could. I glanced over for some reason, I didn't want to look but I couldn't help myself. I felt my breasts ache with rage at the sight.

"Why can't people just get a room it's foul." I said to Q next to me.

She looked at me strange, snickered and said "weren't you kissing Puck last week at that exact spot."

"Whaaat pfft shut up Fabray!" I shifted away. Walking straight past Brittany and that thing. She pulled away from the kiss and our eyes met. I quickly diverted my attention and saw who she was kissing... Mike, of course.

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