gay panic

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Santana POV
"Ready for Pucks mid year party tonight?!" Quinn asked Britt and I looking at us excited.

"uhm yes it's like the biggest party of the year it's going to be so awesome!" I screeched grabbing them both into me.

I was excited for tonight. Not because of Puck but because this night usually was one of the craziest nights. But this year I'm even more excited, I finally get to show Brittany the infamous Puck extravaganza.

"I'm really excited, I can't wait to see you two drunk." Brittany said with a chuckle. "I just know neither of you would be able to hold your alcohol." That comment earned her a slap from both of us.

All the sudden I saw Puck walking towards us.

"Quick hide me!" I ducked behind Britt pretending to grab something out of her locker.

"See you tonight Lopez." He said with a wink.

I peeked from around Britt. "he he.. yeah see ya." I said. I know I'm hot but like I dropped him weeks ago this is pathetic of him, he won't stop bugging me. What I need is as a woman is,....just not him.

"You could've hid me a little better Britt." I said giggling.

"Pfft that was all you honey." She quipped back sassily tapping my forehead. I looked over at Quinn who was eyeing us off with wide eyes. She's so damn strange around us these days.


"UGH I don't know what to wear, I need to look hot!" I groaned slamming myself onto Quinn's bed.

"Please you always look hot." I heard Brittany say from inside the closet. Quinn had the goofiest smiles on which just added to how flushed I already was. Did Quinn know something I didn't? Or maybe she can sense something oh no. No I'm panicking okay I got to ga- I got to, I got to go! I stood up and went down to the Kitchen to get myself a glass of water it suddenly got really hot for some reason and my mouth was so dry. I swear if Quinn's got the heating on I will go all Lima heights.

"SANTANA hurry up and get your ass up here!" Quinn shouted from up the stairs. This girl needs to seriously chill out.

"Okay okay calm your tits." I walked back up the stairs. "Okay what is-" Brittany stood in front of the mirror facing away from me. But I could see all of her in the mirror. She looked so hot. She had her long blonde straight hair down falling over her shoulders. She was wearing a relatively tight pink dress with a denim jacket over the top and white sneakers. I gulped at the sight and headed straight for the door to go to the kitchen for some water again, when my foot got caught in the doorframe and I leaped head first into Quinn's floor.

"Oh my god Santana are you okay." Brittany ran over grabbing at my sides and carrying me over to Quinn's bed. She began inspecting my body to see if I was hurt.

"Damn San you totally ate shit ha." Quinn snickered. I glared and stuck the finger up at her.

"Awh you have a little bruise forming right here." Brittany said brushing her finger over a tender part just above my eyebrow. I shivered at the contact and quickly got up, her chest was wayyy too close for comfort. I backed away hastily stuttering

"Um I'm just going to um j-just water your cat q." I bumped into the door while backing out but regained my composure and then ran out.

"Um what I don't even have a cat." I heard Quinn say to Brittany as I leaned my back up against the wall outside of Quinn's room.

"Has she had a pre drink or something?" Brittany replied sounding verbally confused.

I wAs panting and I felt that stinky panic sweat I have under my boobs what's going on with me it's just Brittany.

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