girls night in

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Quinn POV

I can't believe I literally just did a WWE move on a girl in my house, I could've thought of a more subtle way to stop her from kissing Brittany. I have to figure out a plan to get Santana and Brittany together or at least realise feelings for each other. Please it's so obvious.

Santana POV

*AAHH internally screaming* what could Brittany possibly want to talk to me about?!

"yeah of course Britt" I said trying my absolute hardest to keep my composure.

She walked in front of me peering back over her shoulder to check i was following her lead. she led me outside and sat on the hammock patting the spot next to her.

"Soo what's up?" I smiled up at her.

"I just wanted to um ask how you and Quinn feel about me being bisexual? she kind of acted strange." her voice shaking slightly.

"Britt, look at me" I tilted her head for her eyes to reach mine, grabbing her hand with mine. "Of course we support you Brittany, it shouldn't matter who you are attracted to or who you want to be with or who you love, because love is love." She longingly looked into my eyes. Even though I was comforting Brittany those words I spoke resonated with me, it was true, people should be free to like who they like and love who they love, no matter the gender. Brittany nuzzled into my neck and linked our pinkies together.

"Thank you Santana, it means a lot, I think we are going to be really good... good- friends." Brittany sighed. It felt like there was something unspoken between us.

"Britt-" I started to say

"SANTANA BRITTANY THERE YOU ARE!" Alicia rushed out. I tensed and quickly stood up.

"oOH I see sorry ladies I didn't mean to disturb anything.. ill just - ill just goooo."

"uh yeah too late what's up Alicia" I said a little annoyed since I was kind of in the middle of something.

"come back inside the movie is about to begin." She muttered a little scared.


"Quinn what the hell is going on with you tonight, you look flustered, panicked and keep rushing off all weird you dork." I said shaking her.

"PSSH I uh - I uh like oh my god I just realised before that I totally forgot my bacon for breakfast so i'm a little bit disappointed, its like totally nothing to do with Brittany and You like not at all-" she quickly shut her mouth and ran off to under the blanket on the couch, taking the last spot in the front. I looked around and saw that all girls had been propped up already and had taken all the best spots, then I saw two blankets lined up next to each other towards the back of the room. It realised it was only Brittany and I left.

"Take your pick." Brittany motioned her hand out towards the two spots. I took the one on the left right under the heater. As she got under her blanket I realised she had changed into a tight singlet which perfectly outlined her body, with small shorts that had little unicorns on them, cute I thought. She looked over to me and smiled, in the dark I could still manage to see how her light hair fell softly over her shoulders, how her eyes lit up when she smiled and how plump and pink her lips looked. She chuckled lightly while resting her head upon my shoulder.


"AAHH BRITT!" I screamed and grabbed her arm under the covers, I really hate horror movies, Quinn knew this why would she possibly put me through this utter hell. I saw Quinn glancing over to Britt and like every 5 minutes and then quickly turning back. Yeah I began to stop questioning her after her bacon saga, she's one strange girl. My attention reverted back to Brittany as I felt her shift her arm and began lightly stroking mine while i rested it upon her lap.

"You know it's not real right Santana?" Brittany explained giggling.

"yeah yeah just shut up and hold me i'm scared." I replied scrunching up my nose at her. She chuckled and continued holding my arm.

30 minutes later the movie ended and everyone around me were asleep. I scanned my eyes over Brittany and just lay facing her. She looked so peaceful, I can't wait to get to know her better I thought as my eyes slowly fell closed.

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