jealousy 2.0

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Brittany POV

I ran, I just ran and I couldn't stop, I didn't know where I was going but I just couldn't bare to face that. I don't even know why. I've never been jealous or possessive over somebody but I just wanted to feel her lips on mine. I wanted that to be me, pushed up against the car, her body pressed up on mine, her hands tangling through my hair. From the very moment I saw her last year I was crushing on her from a distance. Getting to know her now, as my best friend, growing closer and closer by the day, that attraction has only increased. Having to resist touching her in all the ways I wanted to was torture. Her being right there yet still so far away. I wanted more than just to be friends, I wanted something more, I just need some kind of sign she feels the same.

Santana POV

"Santana what the hell is your problem!" Puck scoffed as I pushed him off me and started heading in the direction where I saw Brittany run off to.

"Brittany! Brittany!" I screamed running frantically through the halls. I needed to make sure she was okay. She is my best friend and I care about her more than I've ever cared about anyone before. She was my world. I felt like I was crumbling simply just by seeing her sorrowful eyes and lingering stare. There was still no sign of her, and then I thought of our place.

"Britt Britt...?" I spoke softly as I wandered over to her sitting underneath the bleachers. "Well this feels all too familiar." I said chuckling while plopping myself next to her closely. It didn't seem like she was crying, she just looked straight down with longing eyes and an almost expressionless face. Almost as though she was yearning for something that she couldn't quiet grasp.

"Santana..." she turned to me. I gulped apprehensive of the words that could possibly come next. "Why do you sleep with Puck? It's clear you don't even like him."

I just looked at her, I honestly couldn't form any words, not because I was shocked about what she asked but more so the fact that I couldn't come up with an answer. Why did I? Was it to hide something? Try to feel feelings I should be feeling instead? I shoved those thoughts down and answered "H-He's hot, and I want to have fun." She just looked into my eyes intensely and nodded looking back down.

"That's fair I guess." She responded.

Brittany POV

How could I tell her that I want us to be more. That I want to feel her lips, her body. How could I tell her that I wanted us to be friends with benefits. She looked so perfect right next to me. Her plump red lips sitting softly forming a small smile, her dark eyes darting back and forth from my lips back to my eyes. Her tanned legs crossed over one another and her delicate hands running through her hair attempting to fix the loose strands. She had missed a piece that fell gently over her shoulder. I scooted over our legs making contact, reaching over slowly I picked up the piece of hair and tucked it behind her ear. She blushed at the contact and looked down thanking me. This could be the moment.

"Hey San have you ever kissed a gi-" *BAM*

My words were cut short when we heard a loud thud on the side of the steps. We darted up holding hands fearfully. *BAM* I started walking towards the noise, Santana following close behind refusing to let go of my hand. The noise grew louder and louder as we approached the locker rooms. Santana and I stopped right in front of the door afraid of making a next move.

"Britt maybe we should go back, I mean we kind of did exactly what not to do in this situation, follow the noise-" I cut her off pulling her towards the window of the door pointing inside at what I had seen inside allowing her eyes to follow were I was pointing to.

"HOLY SWEET HELL!" Santana screeched laughing and hitting my shoulder.

"I KNOW...hold up did her and Finn break up?!" I said.

"Yes last week thank the lords above, no wonder she was acting all giddy this week she was getting some sweet loving!" we both looked at each other laughing, then looking back to what we saw, some dwarf looking brunette was propped up against the wall while Quinn was kissing down her neck and tugging at her waist pulling the brunette closer to her.

"Well that was a sight for sore eyes." I said as Santana finally managed to pull me away from the scene. We walked to her car arm in arm.

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