cheerios camp

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Brittany POV 

I didn't really understand why she was acting so shut off with me, especially after the morning we had together. I mean deep down I had a slight feeling it had to do with certain things changing but she could talk to me, we are still best friends... she even said that to me many times herself. That we were only best friends. I grew tired of hearing it, but if that's what she wanted then I had to accept it. I would rather have her in my life like this than not have any of her. This would have to be enough for me. 

I was pondering whether I should message her when my phone beeped. 

"See you next week for camp, looking forward to being in the same tent." - From San 

WHAT?! I thought. Thats it? after her literally sobbing uncontrollably she sends me this ominous message, and what does she even mean by 'looking forward to being in the same tent."?! *brittany's brain short circuited* 

Santana POV

I couldn't lose her, I was the one who told her this morning that we were nothing more than friends. It could never be anything more than that. 

"Me too ;)" from Britt <3 

I felt my cheeks flush. This was going to be a long camp. 

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