the party

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Santana POV 

I ended up getting dragged back into the room by Quinn to get ready myself. I still couldn't focus properly and ended up stabbing myself in the eye with my eyeliner. 

"UGh you're really hopeless today you know that." Quinn groaned snatching the eyeliner out of my hand. "Please Brittany come help your girl out here I don't really want her losing an eye today." She said handing Brittany the eyeliner.

"Come here." I heard Brittany say with a low tone. OH god here we go. 

"uh uh I uh yes ma'am." I fumbled but stood completely were I was looking facing away from Brittany. Yes ma'am why did I say yes ma'am what the hell. I was so nervous. 

"God you're such a dork sometimes." I heard her chuckle as she reached for my shoulder turning me around to face her. She led me down to sit on the stool in Quinn's bathroom. 

Quinn POV 

Gosh it's really so funny watching Santana completely crumble around Brittany. Choosing that outfit for Brittany was all part of my genius plan. I just knew It would work, and not only did it work San still can't keep her composure for more than a second. It has been half a year and neither of them have confessed any of their budding undying feelings for each other. The tension is out of this world, hopefully some alcohol will loosen some things up tonight. I look over and see Brittany towering over Santana who sat tensed up, I can tell she's trying so hard not to look down towards Brittany's you know, assets. She looks flushed and to be honest so does Brittany. Brittany does a lot better job at hiding it but even just knowing her for half a year I knew how she worked. They both play so confident, but around each other all their walls break down and they are just so soft. 

Brittany POV 

Wow she looked absolutely breathtaking tonight, the way her dark hair was lightly curled and splaying over her shoulders, her long eyelashes fluttering revealing her dark eyes which were captivating under this lighting. She was wearing a tight black skirt with a black turtleneck and boots. I couldn't help but look at her the whole time she was getting ready. I tried to play it cool of course but she made it so hard all the time. 

"Okay all done." I said while my eyes stayed lingering on hers for a moment too long. 

"Thanks Britt Britt." She replied. 

"Finally what took you- Wow San you look hot." Quinn exclaimed looking her up and down. 

"Thanks Q not looking too bad yourself." Santana winked back. 


Santana POV

"Ready B?" I said grabbing her wrist excitedly as we approached Puck's front door step. 

"Hell yeah Im ready to get so drunk ill forget my name." I laughed at her dorkiness. 

It was around 10 o'clock and just by standing at the door we could hear the music pounding and screams. I peered over to the back garden and saw people running frantically, it looked like a zoo. The door was open so Quinn, Brittany and I walked in, to say it was insane is an understatement of the century. There were alcohol bottles on the floor, people getting their mack on in corners, people playing spin the bottle, people skinny dipping in the pool, you name it. Puck's train wreck extravaganza definitely lived up to its name. 

"Woah." I heard Brittany beam with her jaw to the floor. "Let's get this party started!" she grabbed both Quinn and I's hand and ran over to the alcohol.

"Clearly you have the right idea Britt." I said smirking while eyeing off the wide array of alcoholic drinks. Followed by the table next which was stocked up with a sh*t load of pizzas. "I need alcohol in me now, or I simply won't be able to bare all these people." I groaned grabbing a vodka bottle and pouring 3 shots for us. 

"1... 2...3!" we shouted in unison downing the shots. I felt the hard alcohol pour down my throat, burning it as it made it's way down. 

"Hey ladies you made it. Lovely to see you again San looking good." Puck said smugly. 

"Puck leave her alone, didn't you get the damn memo last time." Quinn jumped in. 

"now that's no way to treat the host, but since you're all hot of course Im going to let you stay." He replied. Quinn blushed. 

I internally puked. He was truely something else. 

"Round two?" I asked facing Brittany and Quinn with a smirk.

After around 3 shots, I was starting to feel it. I felt lightheaded and like I just needed to go do something crazy. 

"Come on I want to dance." Brittany said grabbing my hand, I swear this girl can read my mind. 

"Ill let you two go I am going to just talk to Finn over there." Quinn left towards the backyard. 

When we got to the dance floor it was crowded to say the least but Brittany kept her hand firmly planted in mine. She twirled me around and pulled me close to her. I could feel her body pressed hard against mine, her hands on my hips. All that once deafening noise, all those idiots hat surrounded us all seemed to fade away. She was all I could see. It was kind of like we were in our very own world. I liked it. We were giggling and stumbling all over each other. She dipped me and looked intensely into my eyes as I was below her. She chuckled and squeezed my cheek. 


Brittany POV

"H-HEeY watch it asshole!" She screamed to a small lanky boy who looked as if all the life had drained out of his face at that very moment he dropped his drink on her shirt. Didn't know Santana could be that scary to other people. I only saw her as cute. 

"Okay I think that's enough alcohol San." I said holding her back from the terrified boy. I mouthed sorry to him and he couldn't get out of there fast enough.

"Britt Britt i-im ... all wet n-now." She slurred as she cuddled up next to me tears rolling down her cheeks. Oh god this was going to be a long night. I was definitely right about one thing, she could not hold her alcohol for the life of her. She had like what, 3 shots and 1 regular drink. I was just feeling buzzed as most. Ha lightweights I giggled to myself. 

"No, oh no san don't cry its okay we will get you cleaned up come with me." 

"You-you're the best, you're the best Britt." I nodded to her while leading her to the bathroom. She stumbled into the bathroom and plopped herself onto the toilet. 

"Maybe we should sit somewhere else yeah San?" I chuckled. 

"You're so smart." She cried while I lifted her up over to sit on the bench of the sink. Her legs instantly wrapped around mine and I stood frozen in between her legs. My hands were on either side of the bench not daring to touch her. She leaned over and hugged my tightly "I love you so-so, so much Britt Britt. You're my best friend." I felt her hot tears going through my shirt but I didn't mind. I know she's drunk but I've never seen her so, so vulnerable before. I pulled her into me for a tighter hug. 

Quinn POV 

I was looking for someone, as I came across the bathroom door slightly parted open with sobs coming from the inside. Of course I was curious, I wasn't nosy or anything like who wouldn't be curious about someone breaking down in the middle of a party. I peered through the door and saw Santana and Brittany in an embrace with Santana crying hysterically. I giggled to myself. She was always such an emotional drunk. I have to remember to tease her about that tomorrow. 

"I love you so-so, so much Britt Britt..." I heard come from inside. jeez she had never said that to me. I knew she was feeling something for her. That has got to be more than a simple bestie I love you. I could help but awh at the sight before me. 

"I didn't know you were such a creeper Quinn." I heard as Rachel leaned against the wall next to me. 

"Rachel, I've been looking everywhere for you!" I said and she grabbed my hand running to one of the empty rooms. 

Brittany POV 

"I love you too Santana." 

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