about time

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Brittany POV
She grabbed my hand, interlaced her fingers in mine. That's the first time she's ever done that. She had told me to stay, which was not new but the tone her voice was laced with suggested otherwise, suggested that something was changing.
I didn't reply to her verbally, I simply just smiled letting her know I wanted the same and let her softly drag me inside. She closed the door behind us. 

"Um my parents aren't home if you were wondering." She had said, her cheeks brightened at that. 

"Okay what would you like to do then?" I said to her.
She didn't answer right away instead grabbing out 2 towels from the closet and continued pulling me up the stairs until we reached her bedroom. 

"First we dry, sit." She said motioning to her bed. I sat down suddenly apprehensive. I watched her intently as she made her way around the room and climb into the bed seated right behind me. She was kneeling down over me my back pressed up against her stomach in contact that was making it hard to resist her. She crouched down and started wringing my hair out with the towel. I felt her fingers running through my hair delicately, I never wanted her to stop. Her fingers made there way slowly to the bottom of my shirt bunching in her hands.
"This off now." She said, I felt hot at the suggestiveness of the comment but I knew she didn't mean it like that, though I wish she did right now. "I'll turn around." 

"No.. I mean no that's okay you don't have to I feel comfortable with you." I said turning around to look at her. I turned back around beginning to tug at the hem of my shirt and bring it up over my head. We have seen each other like this plenty, in the cheerleading change rooms, at my pool, even in my room before. But this right here felt like the most intimate I have ever been. I had been with guys and girls before, slept with them, dated them, but this, this feeling is new. 

Santana POV

I couldn't peel my eyes away from her, as much as I wanted to I couldn't. So I saw her every move. My eyes trailed over her smooth skin, her back, her hair. She said this was okay, so why does it feel like it's not, maybe because I feel something for her that she doesn't know. I walked over to my drawers and pulled out my biggest teeshirt and short, passing it to her "Here." Daring not to look at her, I don't want to feel something I am not supposed to, she's my friend. 

"Thank you." She reached out and grabbed the clothes purposefully grazing her hand over mine for a moment too long. It felt like electricity. 

"Come on I have something I want to show you." I said turning around so she could change into her bottoms. 

"mmh intriguing Lopez." She said with a low tone, which ignited a fire within my stomach. stop this. 

"close your eyes." I said, she quirked her brow yet complied and she shut her eyes reaching her hands out for me to guide her. I walked us both out to the window of my bedroom.

"keep them closed, no cheating." 

"how'd you know?" She said shocked 

"Ugh Brittany just keep them closed for gods sake." not taking any chances my I closed her eyes shut with my hand. Opening the window with my other. 

"Careful here just take a step now." I was standing in front of her pulling her outside with me. 

"Okay open." I watched her as she opened her eyes slowly adjusting to the looming darkness outside. Her eyes shot open in awe as she saw the pink and orange sunset that was disappearing behind the many houses. We were situated on my roof which had the best view of the neighbourhood, which wasn't the best except on nights like this. 

"Pretty isn't it?" I said. She finally managed to break her gaze and turn towards me. 

"Yeah the prettiest." She replied while still looking right at me. She was talking about the sunset right?! 

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