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Santana POV
I watched her as she came back up peering over at me with her arms crossed over and her eyebrow quirked at me.
"Okay okay I'm coming jeez." I said as I took a step towards the water.
f*ck it was cold ugh Brittany is lucky I love her.
as a best friend of course... best. Friend. Yeah bestfriend. That I maybe want to kiss, but that's like totally normal for straight people.. like me.
Before I got out of my head I felt cool, wet hands latch onto the back of my thighs and next thing I knew I was being thrown into the water.

"BRITTANY WHAT THE HELL!" I scream gasping for air as I flayed my arms about hitting her.

"AAHHA what I slipped sorry." Brittany said with a smirk. I splashed water in her face and backed away forcing a frown.

"Oh no San I'm sorry please, pretty pleaseee forgive me." She said putting on her best pouty face and puppy dog eyes but I could still very obviously see her smirking behind it all. She isn't very good at hiding her emotions.
I felt her arms close around my waist pulling me closer towards her until I could feel her thighs pressed against mine, and her.. her stomach pressed into my back. Her stomach, her abs. Oh god her abs.

I shook my head to snap out of my thoughts as she turned me around while I was still held tight in her arms. She was now facing me. Our eyes interlocking, I didn't dare to break the contact but I was still very aware of her hand inching closer to my butt. She stopped right above it and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Are you okay?" She said titling my chin up to meet her gaze once again.

"Ye-yes yes I'm fine I'm perfectly fine I'm so fine like the most fine I've ever been is right now that's how I'm feeling." I rambled. What the hell santana what's wrong with you.

"Pfft wait sorry didn't quiet catch that San, what was it, are u fine?" She snickered, scrunching up her nose and all I could do was look up at her and smile. Being this close to her felt so, warm and fuzzy, I didn't want to ever not be in her arms.

She felt my smiling at her and once she regained her composure after laughing at my expense she met my smile equally wide.
"I'm so glad I met you Santana."
What is this girl doing to me?

"Me too Brittany, I don't know what I would ever do without you, please stay with me forever." She pulled me into a hug and I nuzzled into the crook of her neck.

"Hate to break up the sentimental bestfriend moment but there is a bee on you." I heard her whisper in my ear.

"AHHHHH WHERE" I scream pushing back pash Brittany and tapping my shoulders attempting to get rid of the crusty ass bug.

I sunk my head deep into the water. All the sudden I feel a tap on my forehead, I open my eyes and I see Brittany under the water with me. We start laughing and head back up.

"I am never going into the pool ever again." I say climbing out.

"You're so dramatic." Brittany says playfully rolling her eyes. I shove her onto her chair.

"Shut up." I say.

"Yeah?" She quips, "make me."
Shit shit shit the vibe just changed shit shit must leave.

"I'm gonna get some some more like some uhh lemonade w-want some?"

"Uh yeah sure." She replied.
I hurried out of there it was getting way too hot for my liking.

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