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Santana POV

How could I tell her the reason I was crying, 'oh hey yeah im crying because I saw you kissing a guy, and because Im feeling feelings that I shouldn't be feeling'. It doesn't make any sense why did I get so affected watching her and Mike.. kissing. Its not like I am interested in her or Mike so why? Well Its nothing. I thought to myself while driving to the mall with Brittany next to me looking concerned out the window. I didn't want to be the reason she looked so glum.

"Britt we are here." i said to her snapping her out from her thoughts and opening the car door for her.

"Thanks San." She said while engulfing me in a tight hug. My eyes flew wide in shock but I slowly relaxed into her, feeling her body press against mine, it was comforting.

"Hey hey Britt, im okay, trust me im okay." I said into her ear while her hands were still placed around my waist firmly. She didn't release her grip on me only answered

"Im here for you, you know that right?"

"Yeah I know, and thank you." i replied while she loosened her hold on me separating us. I didn't want her to. We gave each other a soft smile. She looked at me for a bit then quickly yanked my hand and started running towards the front entrance of the mall leaving us in giggles as we approached the grocery section. I realised our hands were still connected with one another and I shook mine out from her grip.

"Come let's get these snacks." i cheered suddenly excited for this sleepover.


"Sooo how about we get Maltesers, Chips, Chocolate Chip cookies and Ice Cream?" she said while looking at the isle of chocolates rubbing her chin.

"Whaat? you cannot just get Maltesers when there are clearly more superior chocolates than that" I said while putting the Maltesers back and proceeding to grab snickers, Kinder and Mars bars. She looked at me hurt and grabbed the Maltesers back and threw them in the trolley. She didn't meet my gaze and just started pushing the trolley away from me. Wait was she seriously upset over chocolate?

"Hey Brittany? Are you okay?" i lightly touched her arm. Maybe I hit some kind of nerve, I didn't know the girl after all. She ignored my question until she spoke softly

"You slandered my favourite chocolate, how could you?" she said. I was seriously worried by this point. She turned around slowly and I was met with the biggest goofy looking smiles and she pounced on me pushing me back into the isle and tickling at my ribcage "Ha you totally fell for that!" she laughed.

"Ugh what I did not now get off me you big dork." i said as we were both giggling. Suddenly I lost my balance, floor beneath me disappeared and I felt the hard ground under my back. I was so caught up in the pain for a second that I failed to realise that I took Brittany down with me, and she was hovering right on top of me looking directly into my eyes chuckling.

"Oh my God Santana are you okay?!" she said trying to stifle a giggle since I wasn't laughing anymore. But I couldn't get over the position we were in. Her face was so close to mine, too close. I felt her warm breath upon my cheeks and her blue eyes staring down into my brown ones. The gap between our lips could be closed at any second. Her hands were at either side of my head. My face was growing warmer and I was afraid she would be able to hear my rapidly rising heartbeat.

I finally snapped back

"UUGH Britt get off me I can't breathe"

She hopped off me and reached out her hand for me to grab pulling me up my face still felt hot so I quickly turned away with the trolley. She met my fast pace placed a hand on the side of the trolley and said

"you look cute when you're flustered."

My eyes went wide.

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