truth or dare

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Brittany POV

I couldn't tear my eyes off from her tonight. She truely was the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. She had changed out of her Cheerios uniform after school and I saw her own style. She wore Blue overalls with a cute white top underneath and sneakers. it definitely matched the soft side I saw of her often. When I fell against her tonight all I wanted to do was close the gap between us. I've never felt so pulled to someone so early upon meeting them.

"we done here...Britt hey Britt, my eyes are up here" she said laughing disturbing me of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry I just like really like your outfit" I blushed and started piling up the groceries into the boot of her car. I sighed, crap I just got exposed bad I thought as she started warming up the car.


Santana POV

*Knock* *Knock*

"SANTANA! BRITTANY! come come what took you guys so long huh." Quinn said with a flirty wink.

"QUINN!" I yelled flushed. What the hell did she mean by that.

"Please Im only joking." She smirked as she slapped Brittany's shoulder, Brittany laughed along with her. Great i'm in for one hell of a night I though rolling my eyes and meeting the other girls in the lounge room.


"Sooo Brittany truth or dare?" one of the cheerios girls said.

"Hmm don't want to get too carried away so quick let's just say truth!" Brittany spoke.

"Okay do you have a boyfriend?" As the girl who's name I have no interest in knowing asked this question I felt my hands sweating. I was nervous for the answer. I didn't want to hear what I knew Brittany was going to answer back.

"No.. no I don't" she uttered. My smile grew back and I sighed in relief, followed by a cough because I realised I did that out loud.

"Wait whaaat so who was that guy you were getting your mack on with then?!" Some random girl asked. I tensed.

"OH Mike, oh yeah he's just my friend with benefits nothing more." Brittany explained earning a few ooohhs and aahhhs from the group, I couldn't help myself from smiling.

"Okay Quinn your turn" Brittany said facing Quinn devilishly, Quinn visibly gulped.

"Quinn, truth or dare."

"truth is definitely the safer option right now." Quinn replied chuckling nervously.

"if you say so, who's the hottest guy at McKinley?" Brittany asked anticipating Quinns response.

"Well Finn duh, he is my boyfriend after all." Quinn replied.

"Oh please Ive seen the way you look at Puck." a girl spoke up. Quinn rapidly looked in my direction with wide eyes waiting for a reaction from me. Then all the girls turned to face me. To be completely honest I don't care if Quinn thinks Puck is hot, I don't even like him i'm just like a lizard, I need something warm beneath me or I can't digest my food, plain and simple.

"Pfft he's all yours." I said laughing and all the girls joined in.

"No please I don't want him, he's hot and all but Im with Finn and I wouldn't change that for the world." Quinn said meeting my gaze. I softly nodded at her, sharing a mutual understanding.

"Anyways enough about that, Brittany I am so getting you back for that!" Quinn yelped. "so Brittany have you ever kissed a girl?" Quinn glanced slowly at me after asking that question. The f*ck, why, anyways weirdo.

"UHm aha yes I have, Im actually bisexual so yeah I have kissed a few girls." Brittany exclaimed and my mouth flew open. She likes girls. Holy hell she likes girls. She met my gaze softly and smiled, I smiled back wanted her to know that I fully support her being bisexual. I felt a warm feeling in my chest. meh must just be getting a cold or something.

"OH I really want to kiss a girl!" some random said at the back, ugh who cares.

"I dare you to kiss Brittany then!" this other b*tch said.

Quinn piped in "hey hey let's slow down a minute why don't we put on a horror movie or something." acting flustered. But the girls didn't acknowledge her comment and the random girl was already crawling over to Brittany, the rest of them screaming. My fists clenched, hard. Quinn looked over towards me panicked. I was frozen, I saw the girl learning closer to Britt's face cupping her cheek ever so softly and slowly closing the gap between their lips-

"OOOFFTTT!" I heard suddenly as i saw Quinn tackle the girl to the ground away from Brittany and quickly got up.

"No kissing in my house Jesus is watching ladies! LETS WATCH A MOVIE!" Quinn yelled as she ran to the kitchen. She was acting weird tonight.

I looked over to Brittany who I found was staring at me. She looked confused and slightly relieved. I walked over to the kitchen to reach Quinn as I felt a hand grab my wrist.

"Uh Hey San can we talk for a sec?" I heard Brittany ask, her voice quivering.

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