just friends

215 7 1

Santana POV

My eyelids fluttered open as I felt the warmth from the morning sun on my cheeks. Her blonde locks completely filled her pillow, covering her face. I moved the hairs away from her face and slid them behind her ear so I could look at her.
I could feel the pressure of her legs intertwined with mine and her arm clutching at my side. She must've done that in her sleep.
She was still peacefully asleep, her chest rising and falling with each breathe and her lips partly open letting out a soft snore. I finally shifted my gaze away from her as I laid upon my back staring intently at the ceiling as if it were more interesting. It wasn't. All I wanted to do was look at her, but i'm afraid if I look at her for too long I might begin to feel something I shouldn't.

I heard a mumble and felt her shift and untangle her arms from around me. Sighing at the loss of contact I still remained looking up. I wasn't ready to deal with- well with whatever went on last night.

I can't believe I kissed her. I really kissed my best friend and it was the best kiss I've ever had in my life. I told her it meant nothing, but deep down I know it meant more than just a stupid kiss. I would do it over and over again, forever if I was given the chance. But that's not how these things go. We are just friends and it will stay that way, I want it to stay that way, right?

"Good morning." She said softly.

"Hi." I said still refusing to meet her eyes.

"Um how did you sleep?"

"Um yeah, yeah good, what about you?" I replied. We have literally never had small talk. The air was obviously thick from the events that had taken place last night.

There was a silence following my question. Even without looking at her I could tell she was thinking the same thing I was. That was the thing with us, we can always read each other, even when we don't want to. I was internally begging for her to not say anything.

"Soo" she dragged on, - oh shit here it comes I thought

"About last night, um about the kiss." Yup there it is. I rolled my eyes subconsciously.

"Look Brittany, like I told you last night, we are good kissers and we are comfortable around each other as friends, right? So that's all it is." I said harsher than I wanted. I couldn't help it, it was like I had to be that was as a defence, she couldn't know how conflicted I'm feeling, or what I'm conflicted about.

She closed her eyes for a moment, as if pondering her next words.
She sighed and said "I want to keep kissing you."

I gulped. "We can keep kissing, you know like I-if you want to, if that's what you want." I rambled out. She smiled for the first time since last night.

"So you want to be friends that kiss?" She clarified with a quirk of her brow.

"Yeah I guess, it's like whatever." I said shying away. I felt hot underneath her gaze remembering where her lips where last night, and how flush her face was after kissing me.

"Soo does that mean I can do this..." she said filling the end of her sentence with her hand grazing over my cheek slowly leaning in. I closed my eyes waiting for the feel of her lips pressed against mine like I wanted so bad, but instead I felt a soft peck on my cheek.

I opened my eyes I saw her grinning proudly.

"What did you wanna kiss me?" She said smirking. I shoved her to the very edge of the bed.

"Just shut up and kiss me for real, cheek doesn't count you coward." I said hands placed firmly on her shoulders holding her in place.

"If you say so." She tilted her head up and grazed her lips against mine teasing me.

"Ughhh why are you like this?!" I snarked.

"What I'm not doing anyth-" I cut her off with a hard kiss.

She looked up at me in awe "um wow, maybe I should tease you like that more often."

"Shut up." I said but I really couldn't hold my smile back.

"You love me." She responded putting on her Cheerios uniform.

"Pfft not when you do that." I giggled until I realised what she said... love, do I love her? As friends obviously-...

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