first meeting

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I screamed as a figure came crashing into me from around the corner.

"oh my Santana, I'm so sorry I thought I was the only one in here" the girl said.

"You f*cking scared the—" I couldn't continue my sentence as I looked up, it was her, Brittany. "oOh uhm s-sorry i uh sorry" I stuttered. Get yourself together Santana, no one makes you nervous. I looked down and felt my leg in a slight pain. She noticed and grabbed my hand softly.

"No, no I'm sorry um here sit down" as she helped lower me down I felt a little zap at the contact and I tensed. She took my leg and placed it onto the bench in front of her, her fingers brushed over an already forming bruise and my breath hitched. "I'll get you some ice" She said sweetly.

"No. Um it's okay it doesn't hurt very much anyways, plus the cafeteria is closed" I shrugged giving her a small smile at her kindness.

"Oh yeah" she softly replied "well um let me at least give you a ride home?" I didn't even know this girl, but I felt safe, and I really needed a ride.

"Yeah okay that sounds like a fair deal." I curled my lips at the corners subtly, that was all I could muster, my facade dropping completely around her. I didn't like it, it felt weird.

"Well I'm Brittany, it's nice to meet you." She suddenly said holding out her hand.

"What?" I quirked my brow at her.

"Well I've been here for a year now and we have never actually technically met, so hi." She had the softest smiles and piercing blue eyes that were captivating.

"Santana. Nice to meet you also." I blushed and she smiled even wider.

"As fun as this is I need to go before Lord Tubbington falls asleep, i need to interrogate him... he's been lying a lot these days." Brittany rambled.

"And lord tubbington is who?" My eyes narrowed at her.

"He's my cat, I'm pretty sure he's part of the mafia, I saw him get up to some pretty shading stuff the other night... but don't tell him I told you this." She replied quickly. I was so confused, she looked serious, but I just got lost in our extended eye contact. She looked me up and down with a smirk...

"You um might want to get changed before we go." She laughed then turned around allowing me to change. I looked down and realised I was still in my damn towel, which was barely covering anything. My cheeks flushed red and I am so grateful Brittany was the other way around so she didn't witness my embarrassment.

After some time I tapped her shoulder and she held out her pinky to me. I looked up at her confused and she just snickered and interlocked my pinky with hers while she led me out of the locker room and to her car.

"Here you are ma lady." Brittany quipped cheekily with a formal accent while she opened the passenger side door and held out her hand gesturing for me to enter. I smiled goofily back as I hopped in.

We sat in silence while she started up the car, it wasn't awkward though, more of a comfortable silence. Like I have known her for years. As soon as the ignition was on one of my favourite songs 'toxic' started playing, to my surprise Brittany gasped and clicked the next station violently.

"Brittany what the heck that's my jam." I growled.

She mumbled something under her breath and looked defeated "I uhm I don't like Britney S-spears." She said so quiet and quick I barely heard a word. I looked at her puzzled as she continued driving. She smiled up at me and moved a piece of hair from her face to behind her ear. I quickly turned my head back to look out the window, something about her made me feel...soft. Like she is letting my guard down and I don't like it. I don't do that for anyone, not even Quinn.

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