identity crisis

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Santana POV 

As the air grew cold we finally detangled from each others embrace. The loss of contact made me shiver slightly. It suddenly hit me what just happened. I had kissed my best friend, and she kissed me back. She wanted to, and I wanted to. I wanted to keep doing it forever.

But at thoughts that were harboured in the back of my mind during the warmth of the kiss started clouding my thoughts. I couldn't be into girls, I can't be. I am so afraid of the consequences if anyone found out I was not who I say I am. But maybe friends just kiss like this, friends with benefits and it doesn't have any meaning to it. Who am I kidding friends don't kiss the way I kissed her. It felt more than just a meaningless kiss to me, that's what scared me. 

I pushed those swelling feelings aside and looked at Brittany who was looking at me with plump lips and a soft blush on her cheeks. Did she have the same feeling that I was having?

My panic grew. I didn't want to accept this feeling I was having, so I went inside, Brittany following behind. 

"Santana? are you okay? Did you not like the kiss? oh no was I not good?" 

"No Britt it was a good kiss..." 

"Then why do you look sad all of the sudden?" She said looking down. 

I wanted to tell her why. But I couldn't, not ever. 

"I-Im it didn't mean anything right, just for fun yeah." I stated, but in my mind I longed for her to answer it. 

She visibly slumped down and turned away, distracting herself with my desk items. "Um yeah just for fun." 

I crawled into bed and Brittany laid down next to me directly facing me. 

"Um, well goodnight." I said. 

She gave me a smile, but it wasn't like her usual one, it seemed to be lacking expression. 

"Goodnight San." She said as I turned away from her. 

We always used to cuddle together during sleepovers, but here we are on opposite sides of the bed where I can't dare to look at her. 

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