the lockeroom

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Santana POV

I felt my cheeks flush as I recognised who she was—

She gave me a quick smile, to which I returned and hastily attempted to pretend I was interested in what the coach was saying. The eye contact made me nervous for some reason. I whispered to Quinn, "that's Brittany the new girl from last year right?"

"Yeah that's her, she seems... different" Quinn answered. Yeah hotter I thought. What the hell, I quickly shook my head at the thought. I'm totally straight Im simply just admiring a girls beauty, we all do it surely.

"San u okay? You seem out of it" Quinn bumps her shoulder into mine and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Just getting mentally prepared to show these raggedy ass b*tches that they don't stand a chance of getting head cheerleader" I reply.


Let me tell you this, coach Sue did not make it easy on us, she absolutely slaughtered us, gauging who would break and who would be left standing at the end, who was worthy of her squad. By the end of it there were about 20 girls left including Quinn, Brittany and I.

"Mediocre job ladies, the less pathetic of the lot, you will find out if you've made the squad by tomorrow morning." I signed, my legs ached and I was severely out of breath by this point. Quinn linked her arm with mine and we walked over to the locker room.

"Have y'all ever heard of personal space?!" I growled as a girl brushed past me.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" she fumbled. I glared at her and flicked my ponytail so it just missed her by an inch.

"I just love how people get nervous around us" I said to Quinn laughing.

She nodded "alright I'm off I'll see you tomorrow morning." she said.

"Whaat you're leaving me here all alone?" I pouted.

"I'm sure you can manage a shower by yourself Lopez." She winked then walked out.

The locker room was basically empty with he last few girls closing the door behind them, leaving me in silence. I turned on the tap of the shower and let the warm water fall over my head, soothing my aching muscles and calming my body instantly. If this was only the tryouts I have got one hell of a year with this —

my thoughts were broken when I heard a faint noise. I didn't want to admit it but I was kind of scared. I quickly turned the shower nob off and wrapped myself in my towel. I remained in the shower I didn't want to take a step closer so I slowly peered my head out but nothing. Mary Joseph and Jesus if it's a bloody raccoon I'm busting out of here. I inched closer to where I heard the sound —

"AAHH" I screamed...

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