the sleepover

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Brittany POV

I woke up to the sun hitting my face softly waking me up from my slumber, I stretched out and remembered where I was. I looked over and saw her. The morning sun peering through a part of the window uncovered from the blinds landed perfectly upon her, illuminating just her, contrasting her with the rest of the dark room. She was cradled hugging the pillow with her lips slightly pouted, fluttering her eyelids every now and again. I smiled. Instantly I rested my face emotionless when I saw Quinn lurking over from behind the couch smirking.

"Wanna eat breakfast?" She asked.

"Morning Quinn, yes please Im starving." I replied looking around noticing that everyone else was still asleep. Quinn reached over and helped me walk over Santana careful not to wake her to get to the kitchen.

"Need some help?" I questioned. Not waiting for the answer I put some bread in the toaster while she fried up the bacon and eggs.

"SOOoo you and San.." She quirked her brow.

"Yes?" I replied confused.

"You two seem to be getting rather close."

"yeah she's really sweet and caring, and funny" I should stop talking right now. "yeah she's a good friend." I simplified. But I couldn't help my slight blush

As she was pilling up the food upon two plates she smiled softly and looked up to meet my gaze "yeah she is a good friend, Im surprised she has let her guard down so easy around you, its not everyday she shows her soft side to people, especially people she hasn't known for very long." Quinn had a gentle yet protective tone with her words. "so my point is if she likes you then that means I like you too, and we are now friends."

I smiled back to her softly "Thanks Quinn she's really lucky to have a friend like you."

"You can call me Q." She said while shovelling the food into her mouth.

*cough cough*

"Oh morning Santana." I heard Quinn say. I followed Quinns gaze to see Santana standing behind me in the doorframe of the kitchen smirking.

"OoH San how long were you um standing there for he he?!" I exclaimed nervous.

"not long." she said grabbing a piece of bacon off my plate and taking a seat next to us.

"So Q thought you ran out of bacon huh?" Santana said while glaring at Quinn.

"Uh what San? I don't know what you're talking about to be completely honest." Quinn shrugged and went to pour a glass of orange juice for herself. Santana just laughed and looked me up and down. "Ugh when can they all wake up and go home I need to recharge my social battery." Quinn said frowning earning a giggle from Santana and I, I noticed that she had dimples forming when she laughed.

Santana POV

Ugh its too early why are people talking already I thought to myself getting up out of bed to tell them to shut up. I stopped in my tracks when I recognised who the voices belonged to -

"she's really sweet and caring and funny..." I heard coming from the kitchen. Is that how she really feels. Not once in my life have I been described like that. Usually I was the bitchy one, the cold one, angry, never kind. I was my genuine self with Brittany. She brought it out of me. I feel like I didn't have to put on a tough exterior around her.


It has been a week since the sleepover and Brittany and I have grown closer, I found out she was in three of my classes as well as Cheerios so we see each other quiet a bit. Luckily she's cool otherwise I would not be able to handle spending this much time with literally anybody else.

"So would you like to maybe come over tonight?" Brittany asked me while I was writing down my notes from class.

"Yes of course, what time should I come?"

"Does 6 suit you?"

"Sounds perfect." I smiled folding my legs over hers underneath the table.


I felt slight nerves in my stomach, I looked in the mirror and combed down my hair, reapplied my mascara and curled my lashes. I put on some tracksuits which outlined my waist and pulled a crop top over my head. Why did I feel nervous, yeah this is the first time going to her house but she's my friend just like how I go to Quinns house.

*knock knock*

"Sannn!" Brittany said while pulling me into a warm hug.

"Hi Britt thanks for inviting me, you're house is really pretty." I said feeling my hands shake slightly.

"My parents are out so you don't have to worry about making a good first impression or anything." she laughed and grabbed my hand pulling me into her room. I walked in and the first thing I noticed was a brown cat laying on the end of her bed.

"Oh how rude of me I forgot to introduce you two, my two favourite people, Santana this is Lord Tubbington, LT this is Santana my new best friend, you know the one I told you about."

"You told your cat about me." I asked chuckling.

"umm anyways sit sit make yourself at home don't be shy." she cooed leading me down to her bed and propping up some pillows making sure I was comfortable. "sooo do you like Sweet Valley High?"

"Um hells yes I love sweet valley high." I replied eagerly. She sat next to me while my favourite show played. But I just rehashed what she said, she called me her favourite person, I couldn't help but blush at the thought. She felt the same way I felt about her, she was also my new best friend, aside from Quinn of course. I looked over at her longingly hoping she wouldn't meet my eyes. luckily she was too preoccupied with LT on her lap. They looked so cute. She was so cute.

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