Night Terror

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"Nines! The alarm!" Nines looked up from the hand he was wrapping as Connor popped his head into the tent. He was right. The alarm was sounding. He cursed softly as he continued wrapping, loath to leave a task half done. Connor seemed to understand as he hurried off, only to return just as Nines was leaving. He handed Nines his medic jacket. The heavy woollen one he wore on the front. The darker colour made them harder to spot through the smoke. He tugged it on and accepted the helmet Connor held out. He wasn't sure if they'd go over the top or not, but it was always best to be ready.

"Any idea what happened?" They weren't due to make another assault, not while they were still waiting for recruits to join them. They stopped to grab their supply bags. Emergency packets of gauze and bandages. Things to stem the bleeding and keep their men alive long enough to get back to camp. Knives and pliers to cut them loose if they were stuck. A saw to cut through bone, though that was rarely used. If it was that bad, they were often considered to be no-hopers and left behind, especially if there were less injured men close by.

"I don't know, but it can't be anything good...My guess is that they're on the move." Nines nodded his agreement. It hadn't been long since their last assault. Their lines were still poorly manned, and he couldn't help but wonder if they'd found out somehow. Connor heaved himself into the truck before reaching back and hauling him inside. The ride seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and they were there. Jumping from the truck with a stretcher between them and hurrying into the trenches alongside the other medics.

It was already chaos as they approached. The trucks had to back off as soon as they were dropped. The earth rocked with shelling. Men tripped and cowered against the sandbags. Yells rang out. Gunners fired. The closest men to the parapets looked over to aim pot-shots at the oncoming wave of men. Nines reached out to steady him as Connor lost his footing. A shell shook the whole mound above them, sending dirt falling on their heads. They both looked up as they heard Sixty's cackling and Captain Allen bellowing orders.

"Sixty!" Connor yelled over the chaos, waving towards their brother. Nines nodded his agreement. It was their usual ritual to find Sixty and remain close, working with his men. They hurried through the crowd, coughing and wincing as smoke and gunfire filled the air. Nines grabbed Connor and pulled him down as a whistle sounded. Heat scorched his cheek as the earth rose around them. He heard men scream as they were tossed like rag dolls, some of them coming apart at the seams. He did his best not to look or think about what had just splattered his uniform.

"Connor!" Nines looked down at him and sighed at the small nod. He was fine, if a little deafened by the blast. Nines nodded his understanding. He was a little deaf himself, the world muffled and hazy. It had been close. Sixty! He looked up worriedly at the chaos ahead. The crater of earth had already been filled by medics and fresh men. He sighed in relief as he saw Sixty still on the parapet, hauling Connor up to keep moving. They had to reach Sixty.

"Gunners!" Sixty yelled over the gunfire and wailing men. Someone must have heard. The rattling of the gunners started up again, though it was weaker than before. "Connor! Nines!" He hopped down to greet them, hugging them both as if it may be the last time. Nines and Connor held him tightly, all three of them ducking as another shell struck the earth above their heads. "Hold the line! Hold the line!" Sixty didn't have time for more as he jumped back to his post. Nines looked around. He couldn't hear Captain Allen's voice anymore.

"Nines! Help me!" Connor called as he knelt beside an injured man. It was a young one, with a nasty shoulder wound. Nines dropped and pulled his kit open. If they could bind him quickly enough, he may be able to limp to safety himself. Connor was already tugging his pack and jacket off. Nines handed the bandages to Connor as he pressed the gauze down. His heart was pounding, hands shaking. He was scared, but it was mostly adrenaline pumping through his system at this point. Connor nodded as he tied it off and started helping the man to his feet.

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