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The next few days were rough. For both of them. Nines was inconsolable, and Gavin couldn't blame him. He'd lost men before, sure, but there was no way he could understand Nines' pain. Both of his brothers. Gone. He let Nines have his time. He didn't force him to get up and go out. The only thing he made sure of was that he kept eating and drinking. Even if he only had a little, it was better than nothing. After four days, he managed to coax him enough to share a bath. He was still numb as he let Gavin wash him. He closed his eyes and leaned into the gentle touches, accepting the praise as Gavin told him how well he was doing.

Somehow, being clean and warm made him cry more. His brothers never had the chance to be clean and warm. They'd been stuck on the front, and where had he been? Eating nice food, fucking Gavin, having baths, and relaxing in the sun. He should have been there! He should have stayed! If he'd been there, he could have kept at least one of them safe. Maybe he could have pushed Connor out of the way, or dragged Sixty down before he got shot and carried him away from the fighting. Maybe all three of them could have retreated together.

"It's not your phcking fault!" Gavin yelled as he wailed about it. The sharp snap made Nines stop, lips trembling as he looked at Gavin like he'd been slapped. "Sixty didn't want you out there! Don't you get it? He knew this assault was coming, and he wanted you safe! He broke your hand and put you out of action on purpose! This is not on you! If the higher-ups had their shit together, they would have sent in more men before this even became an issue!" Nines blinked out chastised tears as Gavin sighed and hobbled to the edge of the bed where he was sitting. He tucked him against his chest, whispering apologies as he fingered through his wet hair.

Gavin eventually sighed and drew back. He had to see Elijah for another examination. Maybe I'll see if he has anything to help Nines through this...Whether Nines would accept medication was another matter. He gently asked him if he'd be alright or if he wanted to go with him. Nines managed a small smile of thanks for the concern and insisted he'd be fine. Gavin wasn't so sure as he stepped out. He was pretty sure he'd return to find him huddled in a ball of misery. He laid a hand on the closed door, silently promising to return as soon as possible.

It seemed he wasn't the only one having problems as he approached Elijah's door. It was half open, likely because he was expected. He paused outside awkwardly; unsure he should interrupt as he heard Elijah and Chloe talking. They were clearly having an important conversation. Phck, I shouldn't be listening to this! He also didn't want to barge in, but he could hardly just abandon his appointment. He sighed as he peered around the door, finding Chloe with her back to him, facing the window.

"You won't be strong enough for the birth if you don't take care of yourself." He should have known Chloe would be having issues. Shit, who the fuck could she even talk to besides him and Nines? He kicked himself for not checking in on her more often. Connor had been her lover. Possibly the father of her child. Of course, she was taking it hard. He stepped back a little as Elijah got to his feet and hesitated behind her, running a hand over his tied up hair as he always did when he was agitated.

"It's him, isn't it?" Gavin's eyes shot wide as he put his head around the door again. Chloe looked just as horror-struck as she turned and leaned back against the window ledge. She looked awful. She was deathly pale, and he wasn't sure if it was from grief and fatigue or shock. Her bottom lip trembled as her eyes teared up.

"You knew?" She sounded so broken and guilty. Elijah sighed softly as he stepped forward. Chloe seemed wary at first as he raised his hand, but he didn't strike her. Gavin never thought he would. It wasn't in his nature. He cupped her cheeks instead, stepping closed and rubbing his thumbs across her damp skin. He smiled wryly as he bumped his forehead against hers.

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