Sadness and Sincerity

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Gavin remained timid and uncertain as Nines set him on the lidded toilet and knelt before him. Gentle hands cupped his stubbled cheeks, nudging his head up to meet his warm gaze. His green eyes were vulnerable and uncertain, something Nines had never expected to see when they were usually so full of confidence and mirth. He was slow as he leaned in and chased his lips. He lingered as Gavin pulled away, gently pressing into his space. His silvery eyes glittered with sadness as he nudged Gavin to look at him. He wanted to be seen. He wanted him to know he was sincere. Gavin was cautious as he accepted the small kisses that pressed against his lips.

"I'll run the bath," Nines murmured as he pushed back and got to his feet. Gavin watched with nerves swirling in the pit of his stomach as he turned away and bent over the tub. The thick army slacks tightened over his ass, setting off a flare of want that mixed with the nerves and warmed him through. He couldn't stop worrying about it. What would Nines do when he saw? How long would it take for him to change his mind and leave? The taps screeched loudly as Nines twisted the knobs, and steam soon billowed from the deep tub. "Shall I go first?" Nines asked suggestively as he turned and fiddled with the top button of his scratchy shirt. Gavin swallowed. That was probably for the best. Maybe he wouldn't feel so exposed if he wasn't the only one losing clothes. He nodded meekly.

Nines gave him his usual winning smirk as he popped the first button. The one he usually gave him as he pinned him against a tree. The smirk that said you asked for this. Gavin licked his lips warily as he watched each button pop. In all the times they'd been together, they'd never taken their clothes off before. They'd always been outside, sharing hurried meetings on the edge of the treeline. Pants had been lowered and hands had explored in a heated rush, but their eyes had never feasted on naked flesh. He felt his skin prickle as Nines' shirt parted. He bit his lip, running a hand through his neat hair as he moved to stand right in front of him.

"Do you like what you see?" he purred as he tilted Gavin's chin up. You're joking, right? He couldn't think of a single person on the planet who'd turn him down. His abs were lightly toned, his stomach almost flat. He was mostly hairless across his sloping pecs. He had a few moles and freckles littering his pale skin. One of them sat right at the edge of his sloping collarbone. Gavin reached up to grip the edges of his open shirt and pulled him closer until he could press his lips against his navel, enjoying the little quiver that darted across his skin at the sensation.

"Who wouldn't? You're phcking perfect..." And I'm a phcking mess...He knew he'd look like a patchwork quilt in comparison. He'd been nicked by bullets, gashed by bayonets, tangled in barbed wire, slashed and stabbed at with pocket knives, and hit by flying debris. Obviously, these most recent wounds would be the freshest and worst of the lot. He sighed out a breath as the material loosened in his hands. Nines had shrugged the shirt from his shoulders and now stood before him like a sculpted Adonis.

"I don't know about that," Nines objected with an almost sheepish smile. That just made him even more perfect in Gavin's eyes. Nines moved slowly as he stepped in closer and ran his hands down Gavin's cheeks to the collar of his cotton nightshirt. He moved slowly as he leaned down to unbutton it, settling on his knees and kissing along his stubbled jawline as a distraction. Gavin closed his eyes and took in a shaky breath as the material loosened and slipped down his shoulders. " warrior..." Gavin scoffed at the title, lips raised in the smallest of smirks as he felt a gentle hand stroke his scarred back.

"Ex-warrior..." He nuzzled Nines' shoulder and buried his face in his neck. He smelled nice. He carried an almost earthy scent, along with the hint of old cologne. It was familiar and comforting.

"You'll always be a warrior to me," Nines replied firmly as he encouraged him to look up. Gavin seemed unconvinced, but he still accepted the kiss Nines pressed against his lips. He whined softly as a hand laced in his hair, greedily running his hands up and down Nines' spine to explore the newly revealed flesh. It was soft and smooth against his fingertips, untouched by the weather the way his hands were. He shuddered as he felt Nines' fingers stroke around to settle on his pecs, where he lingered to press and tease his nipples. Nines smirked against his lips as he felt him squirm, and moved one hand to support his back, blocking his escape. He drew back long enough to enjoy the familiar, needy look on Gavin's face before ducking down to get his first taste. Gavin's nails instantly dug into his shoulder blades. Sensitive much? Nines huffed softly as he licked and nipped each sensitive bud.

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