Right in the Nuts

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"Nines! Gavin!" Connor called brightly as he burst into their bedroom. Gavin's head jerked up at the sudden entry. Jeez, it's a good thing we didn't get too handsy! He was currently only half naked, hair still wet from the shower as Nines straddled his back, also half dressed. Nines was slowly massaging his shoulders and back since he was a little stiff from all the riding. And fucking. They'd held back a little over the past couple of days. They'd been too busy getting his leg fitted. He hadn't even stood on it yet. It hurt just to strap the damned thing on! The leather corset pinched, and the base rubbed uncomfortably on his raw skin.

"Connor, you're here!" Nines greeted, tearing another small moan from Gavin's lips as he pressed and squeezed the muscles around his shoulder blades. Connor seemed a little uncertain as he hovered awkwardly in the doorway, wondering exactly what he'd just interrupted. Nines didn't usually sit on people like that during a massage, and he was pretty sure he was hard. His trousers looked uncomfortably tight as he rested his crotch against Gavin's ass. At least they were still dressed...

"Yes, we just arrived. Sixty is taking our things upstairs," Connor replied warmly as he crossed to the bed and pressed a kiss against Nines' temple. Nines smiled as he butted his head and climbed off. Gavin stretched, apparently satisfied as he folded his arms and raised his chest, though he didn't move further. Connor looked good, considering he'd come from the front and had been travelling for two days. His hair and uniform were a little ruffled, and his eyes were tired, but he seemed in good spirits.

"What? No kiss for me?" Gavin teased from his place on the bed, ducking down as Nines shoved his head in reproach. He didn't kiss him, but he did settle on the edge of the bed and pat his shoulder in greeting. It felt unbelievably good to see him again. He hadn't seen him since the day he'd taken him back from the front. Nines and Chloe had done most of his treatment since then, and he'd still been feverish and delirious during their last meeting.

"You look good," Connor murmured as he shrugged out of his jacket. Now that he was officially off duty, he'd change out of the scratchy fatigues. He could have bathed before coming, but as soon as he'd found out where they were, he'd wanted to see them right away. Gavin's smile lost a little of its brightness at that. I look good for an invalid, you mean.

"Yeah, thanks..." Nines ran a hand through his hair, offering a little comfort and reassurance. "I'll look even better if I can get used to that phcking thing," he grumbled as he nodded across to the door. Connor followed his gaze to the blended wood and metal leg by the door. Gavin glared at it as Connor let out a soft sound of curiosity. He left the bed and wandered over, crouching down to get a closer look. He was hesitant to touch it without permission. It was literally a part of Gavin's body, or would be once he got used to it.

"May I?" He waited for Gavin's nod before lifting it. It was heavier than he expected. There was a padded leather base inside the shin section where his stump was supposed to rest. Leather straps rose on either side and slotted over the knee, where a leather corset would sit on his thigh to hold the prosthetic on. There was a metal joint down at the ankle so that it would bend, and the toe section seemed to be made of some sort of thick rubber material. The slight give in the material meant the toe section would flex under pressure, bending like a real foot. "It's sturdy..."

"Phcking heavy, you mean." Gavin had also been surprised at the weight. The weight he could get used to. It was the gripping, pinching, and rubbing that he couldn't stand. He'd torn the thing off almost as soon as it had been fitted. He could barely sit in it, never mind stand. Chloe hadn't exaggerated about the need to practice. It was fucking painful! "You should try wearing it. It's phcking horrible!" Connor would have to take his word for it. It was something he quietly hoped he'd never understand. Gavin wouldn't wish it on him either. Not any of them.

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