A Kamski

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"Phck! There! Right-there-Nines!" Gavin gasped and whimpered as he looked up at Nines, who smirked as he rocked into that spot again. Gavin tugged uselessly at the hands Nines held pinned above his head with one of his. The other hand was hooked beneath his knee, holding his injured leg captive over his hip. Gavin moaned again as Nines continued rolling his hips. Each rock stroked and teased over that spot, and Gavin felt like he was going to burst. He tightened the grip he had on Nines' hips, trying to pull him closer.

"Are you nearly ready?" Nines purred as he leaned a little lower, balancing all of his weight on his left arm. It was a good thing it had healed up over the past few months. It certainly didn't seem to give him any trouble as he held him down. Gavin whined his helpless agreement as Nines' cock slipped back and forth, caressing his walls. The agreement only seemed to make Nines more relentless as he bucked his hips. The duvet pooled at his waist as he quickened his pace, enjoying the mewling cries that fled Gavin's lips.

"Phck, please! Nines-Nines!" His voice was high, as it usually was when he begged. Nines swooped in to seal his mewling lips, continuing his onslaught. He was close. He was so fucking close. Any minute he was going to burst. He could already feel his cock throbbing and dripping on his pelvis, bouncing with each snap of Nines' hips. "Phu-Nn!" He was almost melting into the mattress at this point. His skin was hot and damp with sweat, barely even touched by the spring breeze from the open windows cooling him off. He eagerly attacked Nines' lips, teasing his tongue and nipping the soft flesh.

"Gavin!" He jerked in shock and came with a startled moan as his bedroom door was thrown open. Nines seemed just as startled, though somewhat amused as he watched Gavin stutter and spill between them.

"Phck! Eli!" The mortified yell was enough to have Elijah stepping out and closing the door. Gavin whined as he felt Nines push deeper and finally spill himself, burying his mortified face in his damp shoulder. "I swear, it's phcking contagious!" Nines chuckled at the complaint as he drew back and kissed his forehead. There was an insistent knock before the door was thrown open again and Elijah stepped inside looking panicked and flustered. "Well? What's so important you needed to barge in here at...six fifteen in the phcking morning?" Gavin couldn't believe it as he looked at the wall clock. It didn't feel that early.

"It's starting! Gavin, it's starting!" He didn't even need to ask what at this point. They'd been waiting for days. Chloe's due date had been and gone already, and the midwife he been growing concerned. She was certainly ready to burst. Her stomach had swelled to almost twice its usual size. Hank and Elijah had been coddling her endlessly, refusing to let her lift a finger for anything. Nines and Gavin were out of the bed in an instant, hastily cleaning up and dressing for the day as Elijah paced in their bedroom, unsure what to do with himself.

"What do you know so far?" Gavin asked as they hurried down the hall towards the room Elijah now shared with Chloe. Hank was already waiting outside in a chair. The door was shut, and not to be opened until it was over.

"She started feeling contractions a little over an hour ago." That wasn't long in the grand scheme of things. She could be like that for hours. Regardless, he wanted to be there to support his brother anyway. "Do you think she's alright? What if she needs me? What if something goes wrong? Shouldn't I be in there?" Elijah asked worriedly as he paced the hall. He was walking so fast Gavin was pretty sure he'd trip if he tried to keep up. He stood by the wall instead, leaning back and using his cane for extra support.

"She'll be fine! The midwife is in there, other nurses are on standby, and if she needs a doctor, you and Nines are right here!" Elijah started biting his thumbnail, an old stress tick from when they were children. It was rare to see it these days, and usually only happened if he was trying to solve a particularly tricky problem. They all winced as a pained cry filled the bedroom. The sound almost had Elijah bursting in, but Nines laid a firm hand on his shoulder.

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