Carrots and Apples

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Gavin was anxious as he approached the stables with Nines at his side. It was his first time visiting since the accident. He'd heard what happened. Blossom had lamed herself on the way back as she'd run through the forest. Maybe she'd caught her foot on something. Maybe she'd slipped and fallen or scraped her leg while jumping a fence. No one could say, because no one had been there. They'd called the vet, and the prognosis hadn't been good. Despite leaning towards a recommendation to put her down, Joe had managed to convince him to give her a chance. With constant care and a lot of rest, he was sure he could mend her.

"I'm sure she misses you," Nines encouraged as he waited for Gavin to keep walking. He had two carrots clutched in his good hand, gripping them tightly as he tried to settle his nerves. She might not be too pleased to see him. She might know it was his fault she got hurt. What if she resented him? What if she wasn't getting better, and the vet came back to put her down? Joe might be pissed and tell him to leave. He had that right. He'd almost gotten his favourite girl killed. Nines' hand on his lower back gave him an encouraging nudge.

Gavin swallowed the fear as he limped his way forward, climbing the gentle slope to the stables. He hesitated again in the doorway, looking around almost warily. Joe was there, petting Blossom's nose and neck as he fed her a little straw. Upon seeing Gavin and Nines, Blossom whinnied loudly and kicked her stall door, bowing her head and nudging Joe's chest. Gavin's heart about leapt into his throat. Did that mean she was scared? Was she pissed? Joe chuckled as he held her cheeks and steadied her.

"Whoa there! You'll hurt your leg again, you silly mare! What's got you so excited, hm?" Joe asked as he ruffled her neck and chided her. He looked over towards the doorway and Gavin's shoulders dropped like a kid who'd been sent to the principal's office. He felt small and meek as he waited for permission to come closer. "Gavin! You're up!" He was surprised to hear such excitement in Joe's tone. He's not angry? "Look at this, Lady Blossom! Gavin's come to see you!" Blossom kicked her door and snorted her agreement.

"He hasn't been strong enough to come out recently," Nines excused for him as he encouraged him forward. He felt stiff and reluctant as Nines' hand steadily pushed him along. "We went into town earlier and found a vegetable stall...He thought some carrots might help her get better." It was a good thing Nines was doing the talking, because Gavin couldn't form a single word. His mouth felt dry, vocal cords frozen in place. His green eyes darted up at Blossom uncertainly. She nodded and nosed closer, still baying mournfully.

"We were awfully worried when Mr Kamski brought you back. You looked like you were at death's door!" Joe exclaimed as he patted Blossom's neck to calm her. Nines' eyes widened at the news. So Chloe's letter was as urgent as it seemed..."She's been inconsolable, really! She hardly ate for the first two days. I think she might blame herself, you know...Horses are smart creatures. They understand a lot more than we realise." Gavin winced at the thought. Did she really think it was her fault? He was the one who'd fallen asleep in the rain and left her tied to a tree. He was the one who'd mounted her and steered her in the wrong direction, blindly racing further into the forest. She must have been terrified, running around in that thunderstorm.

"Phck no! You better not be thinking shit like that, you hear me? That was my fault! I'm the dumbass human who took you out there and went crazy because of a little rain!" Blossom snorted, and it almost sounded like an objection to Gavin's ears. "Don't you give me that shit! I'm the human. I'm responsible for you, alright?" Nines and Joe both smiled as Gavin stepped up to hold her nose against his chest. He almost seemed like he was about to tear up as he stepped back and rubbed her forehead. "I even made you hurt yourself. Shit, I'm sorry..." The first carrot seemed enough of an apology to placate her. She bit the tip with a loud crunch and chewed as Gavin continued to pat her neck. He stroked her forehead as she nudged closer and snuffled his chest, running his fingers through her black mane.

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