A Promise Kept

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"Nines!" Chloe greeted brightly as he stepped out of the car. The driver helpfully opened the door and grabbed his bag, which was swiftly taken by one of the house valets. Chloe was careful as she wrapped her arms around him. She didn't press too close so as not to nudge his arm, which was resting securely in a sling. His hand was now safely bound and strapped in a leather covered splint that slipped over his hand and thumb like a fingerless mitten, which was a lot better for the swelling. "How's your wrist? Did the doctor give you a prognosis?" Nines smiled at her thoughtfulness as he accepted the small kisses on his cheeks. She was truly a sight for sore eyes. Her crystal eyes were bright, and she looked absolutely radiant in her blue dress and long white cardigan.

"The splint may be removed in eight weeks, but it's a bad break. It could need longer." It had surprised him to hear that. He knew that most breaks would mend within six weeks. Sixty must have been really determined to get him sent away. Chloe was sympathetic, of course, but he could also detect an undertone of quiet glee. He understood the feeling. She wasn't pleased he was hurt, but she was pleased he could stay with them longer. "How is he?" He couldn't help feeling anxious as he broached the subject. The letter had taken four days to reach them, and it had taken him three days to get back with the added stop at the hospital.

"Still feverish, but a little more lucid now at least." That was good. If the delirium was clearing, he was getting stronger. The tightness in his shoulders loosened a little at the news, but he wouldn't truly relax until he'd seen him again. He smiled as he rested his good hand over his pocket. On the way to the estate, he'd stopped in town to keep his promise. He wasn't sure Gavin would remember, but he'd thought of little else since leaving. Chloe could sense his eagerness and swiftly saw him into the house. She walked him as far as Gavin's door before leaving him with a smile.

"Gavin?" Nines called softly as he eased the door open. His gaze softened as it landed on the bed. Gavin was lying peacefully on his back, on the side of the bed closest to the window. That was the side he usually slept on. Gavin always preferred to be by the window. His eyes were closed, and Nines didn't want to disturb him, so he crept inside and slipped his shoes off. He pulled his heavy woollen jacket off his shoulder as he walked around the bed and sat in the chair. Resting the jacket across his lap, he pulled a small box from the pocket with his good hand.

He eased his arm from the sling and reached across with a wince, cradling Gavin's left hand in his own. His fingers actually felt a little cold despite the fever. His face looked pale and a little clammy, much as Sixty's had the week before. He was taking deep, slow breaths. They sounded a little raspy, but not so bad that he was worried. He tugged Gavin's hand a little closer as he plucked the silver ring from its red felt cushion. It would probably need adjusting at a later date. He'd had to guess Gavin's size by trying it himself and taking it down a size. He was gentle as he used his good hand to slide the ring onto Gavin's finger.

With his mission complete, he returned his injured arm to the sling, wincing as his muscles twitched. He couldn't help smiling as he returned to holding Gavin's hand, sliding his thumb across the smooth metal edge. It seemed Gavin felt it on some level. He felt his hand twitch and his fingers tightened a little to grip back. He took a slightly deeper breath, brow pinching as he turned his head. Nines wasn't sure if he was turning to look at him, or if the warmth of the sun was drawing him in like a flower. Nines leaned down to press a kiss against his knuckles before moving higher to kiss his forehead. Gavin definitely felt that.

He let out a small whimpering hum, breathing deeply as his eyes fluttered open. His usually bright eyes were somewhat dimmed and red-rimmed with fatigue. He seemed weak and unfocused as he blinked, clearing the fuzz from his vision. Nines smiled, waiting patiently for his presence to register. Gavin squinted, brow furrowing further as he looked at Nines like some foreign curiosity. He hummed and rubbed his eyes, apparently not believing what he was seeing.

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