Into the Woods

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Gavin sighed as he settled back on the grass. It had taken a while, but a crumpled, battered envelope had finally made its way back from the front. Blossom snorted softly as she scraped the dirt at her feet. It had dried a little in the past few days, but was still soft enough for her to leave hoof prints. Gavin tore his eyes away from the address long enough to give her a smirk. She raised and lowered her head, letting out a gentle whinny as she noticed his gaze. He clicked his tongue softly, remaining where he was on the grassy slope in front of the tree.

"You've already had three, you greedy mare! These ones are for Goliath," he added as he patted the apples at his side. He chuckled as she gave a snort of disagreement. She couldn't get any closer because of the reins. Gavin shook his head, still laughing as he returned his eyes to the letter. "You wait your turn! Eat some grass or something." Blossom settled and did as she was told, though her tail swished in annoyance. Pulling the letter out, he found it had been dated the month before. Prior to his package being sent. Jeez, that took a while...Things were probably hectic. As far as he knew, they were still taking heavy losses.

The usual greeting was waiting for him. My dearest Gavin. He never tired of reading that. Warmth flooded his stomach as he hunkered down with the letter, eyeing Blossom as she snorted. Don't you phcking judge me! Thank you for the picture. It was a most welcome surprise. I never imagined I would see you so dressed up. You're right about the cane. It looks extremely elegant. Elijah made a good choice with the gilding, and the addition of your name. You'll be pleased to hear that Connor agrees. He sends his best. Gavin huffed softly. He was pretty sure Connor must have been there watching him write. His smile fell somewhat as he continued.

Sadly, the camp is in a similar state to when you left it. That wasn't good. When he left, they'd just suffered a mass of casualties, and a fever swept in soon after. He frowned a little. Is that what he's trying to say? He couldn't outright tell him that things were shitty. The higher-ups wouldn't let shit like that get through. Luckily, no one knew what the camp was like when he'd left, or if they did, they'd decided that any enemy who got their hands on this wouldn't have a clue. My few healthier patients are in good spirits. Few...That meant he had a lot who were fucked. We're hopeful that new men will be joining us soon. If they were hopeful, that meant they had no news of it, but they were fucking desperate.

A chill ran through him as he considered that perhaps those men hadn't turned up. What if the enemy made their move, and they were still under-manned? If things were as bad as Nines had hinted, cryptic as it was, then they'd be royally fucked. He gripped the letter tighter as he continued. I'm touched to hear that you think of me often. Believe me, I think of you, too. I have many fond memories that keep me company at night. Gavin snorted at that, grinning as he turned on his side. I'll carry your picture with me and keep it close at night. I miss you more each day, and love you more than I can say. All my love and most intimate desires, Nines. Gavin felt his cheeks heat at the salacious sign off. Pretty scandalous to put that in writing...Especially when he knew others would read it. Gavin couldn't help himself as he reached down to palm himself, biting his lip as he felt his cock twitch and stiffen.

"Oh, come on! I haven't done this in like a week!" he exclaimed as a disapproving whinny sounded from above. He sat up a little and scowled as Blossom scraped the ground and snorted. "Well, turn around and stop being such a pervert then!" He continued to pout as Blossom did just that, tail swishing as she did so. "Don't you even think about it!" Gavin let out a small sound of disgust as she raised her tail and manure plopped to the ground with a wet thud. Gavin grumbled to himself as he rolled over and grabbed his cane, though he quickly reflected that he was lucky she'd gone there and hadn't stepped any closer.

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