Mr Reed

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"Almost there..." Nines smiled as he opened the door to Gavin's room before reaching back to retrieve him from his place leaning against the wall. Gavin wobbled a little as he planted his cane on the carpet and stepped forward, blindly following Nines' gentle pull. His dirty green eyes were hazy and unfocused, warm with both drink and fatigue. Despite that, as soon as Nines kicked the door shut, he latched onto his shoulders and pulled him down for a kiss. Nines hummed in alarm as the cane clattered to the floor and wrapped his good arm around Gavin's waist. "I swear, you're a menace!"

"And you love me for it. You'd be bored without me!" Nines couldn't argue with that. He chuckled softly as he accepted the urgent little kisses, slowly edging Gavin back to the edge of the bed. He let out a surprised yelp as his knees hit the edge and he fell down. Nines smirked as he straightened up and returned to the fallen cane. "You did that on purpose..." Nines could hear the pout in his tone as he leaned down and picked up the cane, moving to rest it neatly by the wall.

"Gavin Reed, you are drunk! Now take your leg off so we can go to bed." Gavin did a good job of looking utterly indignant at the accusation. Nines raised an eyebrow, daring him to argue. Gavin grumbled under his breath as he tugged his trouser leg up and started fumbling with the tightly tied laces on his thigh.

"Drunk! I'm not drunk, and so what if I am a little drunk? You were drinking, too! You're drunk! You're more drunk! Drunker...drunken-drunk..." Nines chuckled as he knelt in front of him and swatted his fumbling hands away from the tangled ties. He was making the knots tighter, if anything. Gavin leaned back on his hands and watched as Nines fiddled with the laces, deft fingers picking and pulling. He winced a little as he brought his injured hand forward to help, doing his best to only move those fingers as and when needed.

"I have a higher tolerance." They'd drunk around the same amount, which hadn't really been much at all. Nines wasn't sure whether it was due to their difference in size, the fact Gavin hadn't been drinking at all in the past week, or that he was just naturally more susceptible. Whatever the case, Gavin was a lot woozier than he was. He huffed as Gavin mocked him, repeating what he said in a childish voice. "Come on, Mr Anderson, take your pants off." Gavin blinked at that, and Nines swore his skin flushed a shade darker.

"Who said I'd be taking your name?" he grumbled as he reached for his belt. Nines paused in unbuttoning his own shirt. He was only joking, but Gavin was right. It wasn't something they'd discussed either way. It wasn't something he'd even contemplated. "What's wrong with you being Mr Reed?"

"Nothing at all...Is that something you've thought about?" Nines' lips softened at the pink in Gavin's cheeks. It seemed it was something he'd thought about. "Well then, Mr Reed, take your pants off." It seemed he'd been placated as he finally managed to unhook his belt and pop the button. Nines chuckled softly as he dropped to his knees, ready to help him slide the material down his legs. He bit his lip as Gavin lowered the zipper to reveal the obvious bulge in his pants. "For me? You shouldn't have..." Gavin clammed up a little at the smirk he was getting, obediently raising his hips so that Nines could pull both his trousers and pants down.

As soon as the tight material slid down, his cock sprang free. Gavin distracted himself as Nines rid him of the material, fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. He shivered as he felt Nines' hands settle on his thighs, pushing them wide so that he could kneel between them before sliding up to caress his hips. He leaned back on his hands, leaving his shirt open as he looked down with dazed eyes. Nines reached his uninjured hand down to pet and caress his bobbing shaft. It twitched and swayed, almost seeming to follow his elusive touch.

"H-hey..." Gavin murmured, his tone asking for attention. Nines slowly closed his hand around the swollen flesh, enjoying the glide of soft skin on solid muscle. He hummed curiously to show he was listening. "W-well, I was thinking, you know, now that I'm better and all... I mean, I'm good besides my leg, right? But you hurt yourself, so I was thinking it was maybe my turn to take care of you, you know?" Nines' hand stilled curiously, though he allowed his thumb to rub circles on the weeping tip. Gavin trembled and twitched at the attention, especially as he teased the slit.

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