Budding Independence

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Gavin sighed softly as he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes. He could hear the rustling of leaves and Blossom's hooves as she scraped the earth nearby. She snorted softly as she snuffled the grass. It was another nice day. Warm. Breezy. Not at all what he'd come to expect from Europe. He quietly wondered how long it would take Nines to notice he was gone. It was sort of refreshing, sneaking off by himself. He was pretty sure Nines would know where to look. He smirked as he heard it. The telltale thud of galloping hooves. Right on time...

"Gavin! What were you thinking?" Nines demanded breathlessly as he pulled up. Gavin opened his eyes with an impish grin, a look he knew could get him out of any trouble. Nines scowled as he patted Goliath's neck, calming the large horse as he scraped the ground and panted his exhausted agreement. "I'm not joking! I was worried!" He was still pouting as he hopped down and tied the reins, leaving him close to Blossom. Gavin stayed where he was as Nines turned and rested his hands on his hips like a parent ready to scold him.

"What? You don't like my newfound independence?" He tried to push down the little bit of indignation he felt at that. He was pretty sure Nines wasn't happy with him being dependent on him all the time. Nines sighed as he lowered his hands a little. It wasn't that he wanted him to be helpless, but he didn't think he was quite ready to take on the world by himself.

"It's not that...I thought you might get hurt." Gavin softened a little at that. He had good reason to worry. There wasn't a single time he'd climbed down from Blossom without help. "You could have been thrown off, and I didn't know where you were! How did you even get down? Did you fall?" Gavin scoffed defensively as he leaned back against the tree. Nines' silvery eyes sharpened as he continued to stare down at him. Gavin clammed up a little as he averted his gaze.

"No!" Nines could spot the lie through his innocent façade. He raised an eyebrow and waited, watching as Gavin's lips started to rise at the edges. "Right on my ass!" He laughed as Nines finally let out a small sigh and relaxed. He'd found him. He was fine. He let out a small chuckle of his own as he watched Gavin laugh. He was still pretty pleased with himself. He'd managed to get up mostly by himself. He'd ridden all the way to the apple grove. He'd managed to slide himself down, turning over in the saddle and lowering himself backwards. He'd been so close to catching his balance, only he'd hit the ground a little too hard and stumbled back, falling on his ass. Blossom had been good. She'd stayed where she was, neighing softly as he'd groaned and used the tree to struggle up. She'd even made it easier by walking over to let him tie her up.

"Did it hurt?" Nines asked as he stepped a little closer, searching for any scrapes of bruises.

"A little, but hey, it's just my ass." Gavin watched as Nines ran a hand through his hair, biting his lip as he looked down.

"That happens to be my favourite part." Gavin snorted and tapped his shin with his foot. He paused as Nines gave him a look. What? The mere mention of my ass is enough to turn you on now? He huffed softly as he leaned back against the tree and closed his eyes. "I am glad you're regaining your independence." Even if you did give me a heart attack...Gavin smirked as he looked up, eyes gleaming.

"That's me. I'm a strong, independent man now...Why don't you come over here, and I'll show you how independent I can be." Nines felt his stomach curl at the seductive tone. He could stay where he was and make Gavin crawl to him, but his moods were unpredictable. The wrong comment could easily shift the tone and make him sad. He also didn't want to make him move his leg too much. Not after last night. He remembered those pained little whimpers.

"Oh?" Nines teased as he stepped a little closer. Gavin took on a cocky air as he shuffled up a little straighter and beckoned him even closer. Nines' lips curled as he stood right beside him at the tree. He rested one hand on the rough bark as one of Gavin's hands stroked his knee and fisted in his trouser leg. He could feel himself stirring already as he followed Gavin's urging and parted his legs, planting one foot on either side of his seated form. His crotch was a little too high to reach comfortably, so Gavin set a hand on his hip and guided him lower.

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