A Secret Shared

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"This really isn't necessary," Nines insisted as Elijah removed the splint to examine his injury more closely, wincing as he pressed and teased the bruised and tender joint. His dirty green eyes were completely focused as he pushed and nudged along the row of small bones. He could feel the gap where a bone had been displaced. It felt nasty, but there was a possibility it was clean enough not to require surgery. That would be ideal in terms of recovery. He wasn't sure whether the hospital in France had already assessed it, but he always preferred to examine patients himself anyway.

"It's absolutely necessary. You're my patient now, and I intend for you to make a full recovery." Nines huffed and nodded at Elijah's smug smirk. There was no use in arguing with him. It was very much like arguing with Gavin, only with fewer benefits at the conclusion. "Come across here and lay your hand down...Make sure you stay as still as you can until I tell you." Nines nodded his agreement as Elijah placed his hand on a white slab on the table. There was a strange machine above, which Elijah lowered and angled above his hand. "Don't move."

He moved away to press a few buttons and Nines remained absolutely still as the machine lurched to life. It didn't sound entirely healthy, but Elijah didn't seem concerned by the grinding roar. He stayed still even after it had been turned off. It was better for him to do as he was told, lest he interrupt the process somehow. It felt like he was sitting for an age by the time Elijah returned and told him he could move again. He winced as he removed his hand and held it against his chest while Elijah hurried off to get the plastic sheets ready.

When he returned, he pinned the sheets on a backlit table and examined the bones. He was right. Despite being a relatively severe break, it was clean enough, and in such a place, that it should knit together cleanly if kept immobilised. Nines seemed relieved at the news. That was one less thing he'd have to kill Sixty for later. Since it needed to be placed in a precise position, Elijah did it himself. He was careful as he returned the splint, making sure Nines' arm was at the precise angle he wanted before tightening the straps.

"I'll check it again in eight weeks, as intended before. With any luck, the bones will knit together cleanly. If not, I'll have little choice but to...reposition them." Break my wrist and pin them in place, you mean. Nines didn't like the sound of that. Such surgeries were complex and avoided where possible. Tools and procedures were improving year by year, and many advancements had already been made with the new influx of injuries from the war, but surgery was still dangerous. It wasn't just the work itself, but the risk of infection afterwards. It was always preferable not to cut someone open if you didn't have to.

"Thank you...I'll hope for the former." Elijah chuckled his agreement. That would be ideal for him as well. He'd likely have Nines seen to by a more specialised surgeon, but he'd still hear about it from Gavin every day if Nines caught an infection. With that done, Nines headed down the hall to find someone and order breakfast to Gavin's room. It was still fairly early, barely half-past eight. Elijah had asked him to come early, and Nines had agreed, intending to order breakfast after his examination.

Once his mission was complete, he returned to Gavin's room to find him languishing on the pillows. He'd sprawled on his side and snagged Nines' pillow, holding is against his chest with his face buried in it. Nines huffed fondly as he made his way over and settled on the edge of the bed, petting his head and threading his fingers through his fluffed hair. Gavin let out a groan of contentment at the contact, raising his head enough to squint tiredly at Nines' face. He raised a little high, lips pouting in a silent request. Nines leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss against his lips.

"Good morning," he greeted fondly as he drew back, still stroking his hair.

"Morning..." Gavin's voice was still a little rough and weak as he replied. Nines hummed as he assessed him. Resting a hand on his forehead, he could still feel a little heat and clamminess, but he seemed to have improved since the day before. He hummed and chased Nines' hand, nuzzling back into his cool touch to ease the lingering heat in his skin. Nines chuckled as he acquiesced and allowed him to keep his hand. He'd likely give it up once it warmed. "What time is it?"

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