Measuring Up

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Something had changed. Ever since he'd bottomed, they'd somehow become closer. Gavin seemed less uncertain than before. He didn't give him those sad, lingering looks as often. It was almost as if their relationship had strengthened. They'd reached a new level of trust and intimacy. As the weeks went by, he only seemed to improve. Within two weeks, he'd almost abandoned the wheelchair completely. Crutches had gone from training aids to the everyday norm. Within his room, he didn't even rely on those. He'd use the walls and counters to hop his way between the bathroom and bed.

Chloe checked his injured leg daily. He no longer needed to wear dressings, so she was mostly checking the soreness. It wasn't so raw anymore. The scars were still angry and red, but they weren't in danger of splitting. She was confident that he was ready to be fitted for a prosthetic. Elijah had a new design he was trialling. The ankles were jointed, and the tip would flex a little like toes. It was supposed to make walking feel easier and look more natural. Gavin grumbled about being experimented on, but being able to walk normally again would be a huge boon.

It was with this mindset that he allowed Chloe to lead him up to Elijah's office. Nines went with them, following along behind Gavin on the stairs in case he slipped. It was his first time going up, so they took it slowly. Chloe sensitively said she'd wait at the top and hurried ahead, staying out of sight so that Gavin didn't feel rushed. He worked slowly, firmly planting his crutches before hopping his way a little higher. Nines only needed to steady him a couple of times. He was almost at the top when a familiar face appeared to come down.

"Hey there doughboy! How's the day treating you?" the young man asked as he raised a hand and hobbled his way down. Gavin was quietly grateful for the break as he rested on his crutches and nodded a greeting. The man was younger than Gavin by at least half a decade, and had suffered a similar injury. He was much further ahead in recovery, already hobbling about with a prosthetic and a wooden cane. The cane was looped over his elbow as he gripped the banister and staggered down one step at a time.

"Not so bad, Freddie. How's the wife?" Gavin asked in return, grateful for Nines' hand resting on his hip. He leaned into the support as Freddie grinned and pulled out his latest photo. Gavin smiled as he looked down to see the cherub-cheeked bundle. It had curly hair and big eyes, though it was impossible to guess the colour with the grey and white ink. "Phck, I knew she was due, but I didn't realise the baby had arrived already! Congratulations, looks like a peach!" Freddie beamed as he looked at the swaddled cherub.

"That's the truth! I can't wait for them to visit!" Gavin knew they lived a way off. He was pretty sure Freddie had said Manchester, wherever that is...Freddie was a pretty long way through recovery at this point. In a few months, he'd probably be set to leave. Elijah generally liked to be sure his patients were competent with the prosthetics before he let them loose on the world. Nines added his polite congratulations, and they continued climbing.

That was another thing that Nines was relieved to see. During their physio, Gavin had started making friends. It had been polite greetings at first, and then a few coincidental lunches and dinners. Nines was still there, but he often slipped into the background. Gavin was the one who had a shared experience with these men, and he was the one who'd be staying long term. The other patients seemed to understand Nines' silent request and focused most of their energy on making Gavin feel welcome. It was almost like a family. Camaraderie and shared experience held them together. Nines wasn't excluded, but he wasn't part of the inner circle. That was fine. That was as it should be.

Once they reached the first floor, Chloe led them along to Elijah's office. Thank God it's on the first floor! Elijah offered him his usual hopeful smile in greeting. Gavin did his best not to glower as he hopped his way over to the leather examination table. He couldn't help thinking that Elijah was enjoying this. After all the times he'd tried to escape his clutches, he was now trapped under his thumb. A subject to be used in his experiments. Nines took the crutches and set them aside, remaining at the edge of the room where he wouldn't intrude.

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