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"Phck! I hate those things," Gavin complained with a worn sigh as he opened the door to their apartment. Their new apartment. They'd moved to Detroit, quite close to the city centre, with a nice view of the river and all the way across to Canada. Nines smiled warmly as he removed his uniform jacket. It would likely be the last time either of them had cause to wear them. He set about carefully removing his ribbons, intending to put them in a small display box alongside Gavin's. He turned and watched with a warm smile as Gavin paused by the sofa to pet the fluffy ginger cat that was already nosing into his palm. "Hey there, Gingernut. Did you miss us?" Gingernut purred his agreement as he nudged and butted his fingers.

"I know, but it's over now...You did very well." Gavin grumbled quietly as Nines pressed in behind and wrapped his arms around his waist, and sighed as he leaned back. His injured leg was sore as he tried to keep the weight off it. He'd done a lot of standing that day, and was suffering with what he'd come to call prosthetic fatigue. He was tired of being strapped into it. "How does it feel? Being discharged with full honours, free to do anything you please?" Nines nuzzled closer as Gavin scoffed. He was free, yes, but to do what? He still didn't know, even after the three months they'd been back already.

It had taken a long time for them to get here. Elijah had to finish up his duties in England, so they'd stayed there for the few months it had taken to see off the patients and settle them in other hospitals. The Aldertons had now fully reclaimed their home, with all traces of Elijah's presence removed. Elijah himself had been more than happy to return to America to introduce Connie to their families. Gavin wasn't sure how they'd reacted to seeing Connie. Not to mention that Elijah and Chloe had married without having a family celebration. They'd likely correct that at some point. Right now, he knew Elijah had taken up a post teaching at the local university. He'd made a complete course about prosthetics to pass on everything he'd learned so far and continue his ground-breaking work.

Hank still lived in the city for now, but had plans to retire within the year and move a little further out towards the mountains. He liked the idea of being able to go fishing in the lakes whenever he pleased. With that in mind, Gavin and Nines had quickly found their own apartment and moved all of Nines' belongings out. That was their next big task. They'd only just moved in that month, and with all the plans for Nines' new surgery and the discharge ceremony, they hadn't unpacked yet. The apartment was a mess of boxes and unopened shopping bags. The main things they'd unpacked were clothes and pet supplies.

They had enough money between them to make a good start. Nines had taken out a loan to buy the apartment and the store below. He'd already begun renovating the lower floor into a small surgery. They'd be opening within the next two months. He'd already had answers to his advertisements for staff, and Chloe had agreed to lend a hand part time. Gavin's money had mostly gone towards bills, upkeep, Gingernut, and new furnishings. He had quite a bit saved from his time in the army, and his father had still been putting money into his account over the past year. Gavin knew better than to question it. They'd need all the help they could get until the surgery was up and running and he'd figured out what the hell he was going to do with his life.

"I think we need a cabinet...Somewhere we can display these," Nines said as he unpinned the ribbon strips from Gavin's uniform. Gavin almost scoffed as he watched his deft fingers work. He couldn't believe Nines wanted to put them out there like that and be reminded of it every day. His time on the front was something he'd happily forget. Unfortunately, he had a permanent reminder. "There are some things that should never be forgotten..." He didn't need to be psychic to know what he was thinking about.

"Fine, we'll get a cabinet." He turned and nuzzled into Nines' chest, hoping to make him feel better. It seemed to work as Nines pulled him closer. "Phck, can we take these things off now?" The dress uniform wasn't scratchy, like the woollen ones they'd worn on the front, but it was a little stiff from lack of use. They rarely had occasion to wear them. They were only for special events and parades. Since they'd been discharged, they likely wouldn't wear them again unless they were asked to join commemorative events.

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