In the Saddle

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"You seem less than convinced," Nines observed as they waited outside Blossom's stall. Joe was bringing her out, ready to tack her for Gavin. Gavin sighed warily. He was nervous. It wasn't that he thought this was a bad idea, or that he doubted his ability. He was pretty sure he'd be fine once he was in the saddle. It was getting up that concerned him. He only had one leg. He couldn't hook his foot in the stirrup and swing himself over as he used to. There wasn't exactly a step or box he could use, either. On top of that, he wasn't sure how Blossom felt about all this. He'd only know her answer once he tried to get up.

"I guess I'm just overthinking it," he replied as Joe led Blossom out of her stall and tied her up. She was patient as he slipped on her bridle, only snorting and shaking her head after it was strapped in place. She chewed the bit and scraped her front hoof as Joe hefted the saddle onto her back. It was a normal saddle besides the extra strap that had been added on the left side to support his thigh, and the stirrup remained looped up near the seat.

"Don't worry. I'll be here the whole time," Nines assured as he joined him in watching Blossom. She shifted restlessly from hoof to hoof as Joe tightened the waist strap and tugged the saddle this way and that. Everything was secure. "Ready?" Joe gave them a nod and led Blossom further out, away from the wall. Gavin took a shaky breath as he stopped and held her ready, running a hand down to her nose.

"Yeah." Nines rolled his chair closer and put on the brakes. He held his arm as he pushed himself up. After a week, he no longer hesitated, and barely even wobbled with Nines' support. "How the phck do I do this?" he wondered quietly as he gripped the saddle and leaned against Blossom's side. Blossom held steady, barely moving her hooves. It was almost like she sensed Gavin's need for support. He felt Nines press in behind, hands moving to rest on his hips.

"I think the best way may be to jump and swing on..." Gavin frowned as he looked over his shoulder. That would hurt his side like a bitch, though it was better than it had been a month ago. Nines' tone didn't exactly fill him with confidence either. "I'll be right here if you fall." Oh, my phcking hero...Gavin sighed in resignation as he gripped the saddle. He'd have to try if he wanted to get up. "On three." As Nines counted, Gavin took a breath and heaved himself up. He yelped and slipped as Blossom moved, steadying herself under the added weight.

"Phck!" Gavin cursed as he slipped back, barely catching his foot as Nines grabbed his waist. It was somewhat humiliating to be flailing about on one leg, but Nines soon had him upright and ready to try again. Hopefully, Blossom would be ready for him this time, and he could get a little higher. His aim was to get himself over the saddle first. If he could get his stomach settled, then Nines could help him turn on properly. That's what he hoped, anyway. With another three-count, Gavin leapt and heaved himself up. He yelped again as he almost slipped off the other side, but Nines had a good hold on his leg.

"That's it, we're half-way there!" We? Gavin almost snorted. He was the one dangling with his face in a horse's stomach and his ass in the air. He grunted and shuffled, trying to squirm his way around. He accepted Joe's hand on his shoulder as he eased him up, and Nines helped him turn from the other side. Blossom was doing a good job of balancing as they worked. She barely moved, only doing a few small steps to keep Gavin on. "That's it-that's it!" Nines sounded more triumphant than Gavin felt when he finally had one leg on either side and could push himself upright.

He was breathing hard as he got there and rested a hand against his aching side. He had an odd sense of vertigo. It was a lot higher than he'd expected. His breath shook a little as he tried to keep his balance. Nines rested an assuring hand on his thigh as he slotted his foot into the stirrup and handed him the reins. Gavin took the leather strap and gripped it tightly, though he still held the edge of the saddle in a death grip. Nines was quick to move to the other side to strap his thigh, giving him a little extra support, so he didn't slide off and overbalance.

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