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"You're going to make Blossom sick with all these apples!" Nines teased as Gavin reached up and tugged another free, adding it to the cloth bag on his shoulder. Gavin smirked as he limped his way over and lowered himself to the grass with a groan. Nines was already laying on his back, left arm safe and snug in the sling across his chest while the other rested beneath his head. He accepted the kiss Gavin pressed to his lips as he settled down to join him.

"Look who's talking! Half of this is what you picked for Goliath!" He shrugged the bag off and set it somewhere above their heads before lying on his side with a sigh of relief. They'd walked all the way there, which was quite a way on his prosthetic. It didn't hurt too much anymore, but he was tired from lugging it around, not to mention all the reaching and stretching, trying to snag the best apples from the lower branches.

"He's a growing boy!" Nines excused, which was true enough. Goliath was barely two years old. Gavin didn't think he had any more growing to do, but he was still pretty young. But Blossom's pretty old. She deserves to be spoiled! He huffed softly as he shuffled closer, gently resting his head on Nines' left shoulder. He was worried it would somehow hurt his wrist, but it seemed that wasn't the case as Nines moved to rest their heads together. It was quiet. Nothing but the rustling of leaves and the singing of birds to disturb them. Even if he focused, he couldn't hear any noise from the estate. Being in the woods, he could almost imagine they were back in the resting camp. Only the distant rumble of shells was missing.

"How do you think things are going out there?" Gavin asked with a mixture of hope and anxiety. Nines could understand his feelings. The tide had turned in a major way. That victory on the eighth had been massive. The papers that morning had continued to bring good news, though nothing like as good as the day before. They were still taking ground, at least. Rumour had it that enemy troops were giving up and fleeing the front line in droves. Some had even surrendered, having lost faith in their leaders and chosen to take a chance on mercy and good will.

"The news from Amiens is promising at least." Gavin nodded against his shoulders. If it was the same all over, then things were likely looking up. He had no way of knowing if reinforcements had finally arrived for Connor and Sixty, but he hoped so. With any luck, enemy forces would pull back to redeploy their men elsewhere in the hopes of stemming the tide. The British naval blockade was also doing its part. They'd managed to cut off most supplies and more or less safeguard the channel against U-boats. Despite everything pointing in the right direction, Nines couldn't help feeling apprehensive.

What if they somehow gained a new ally at the last minute? What if they were merely pretending to be on the run? What if they were vastly exaggerating the poor state of affairs to give them a false sense of security? He didn't know how the British could be so confident and chipper about the whole thing. Most of them seemed utterly convinced the war would be over soon, and that their reports were entirely accurate and unexaggerated. He smiled as he felt Gavin's arm creep over his ribs, settling beneath his splint.

"Do you want to head back for lunch soon? We can stop at the stables and give Blossom her medication on the way." Gavin nodded his agreement, though he made no effort to move. Nines smiled as he raised his head enough to look down at him. Gavin seemed to feel his gaze after a few moments, lifting his own head enough to kiss him. "Does your leg hurt?" He was relieved as Gavin shook his head and rolled to his knees.

"No, I'm good." He groaned as he grabbed his cane and pushed himself to his feet, swatting Nine's hand away as he made to take the bag. "Hey! That's my job! You're injured, remember?" Nines chuckled as Gavin hooked the bag across his chest. It was only his wrist that hurt. His shoulders and right arm worked just fine. Nines let him have his way this time. It was hard to deny him when he was being so earnest. He hurried to catch up as Gavin set off towards the estate, walking on his left.

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