A Modest Feast

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Their moods had much improved by the time evening came. Given the chance to reflect and come to terms with things, sharing their pain and intimacy, they felt much better. It was evening by the time they woke up, more due to the loud knock on their door than because they wanted to. They weren't stuck together as Nines had feared, but Gavin's limp cock had remained in his passage, the earlier spill sticky between them. Nines almost glared as Gavin pulled out. He'd wanted to wash before falling asleep. Gavin gave him a sheepish shrug before grabbing his pants, letting Nines hurry off to the bathroom to clean up out of sight.

"Gavin! Are you almost ready? Dinner will be ready within the hour." Opening the door, he found Elijah already dressed in one of his better suits. Gavin frowned at that. They were having a formal dinner? Already? "Lord Alderton had his staff hastily prepare a modest feast for the household. Everyone is meeting in the dining hall at seven." Gavin checked the clock ticking away on the wall. It was almost six twenty already. That was cutting it a little close, but they'd been sleeping. There was a good chance someone had stopped by earlier and they'd missed the call.

"Alright, we'll see you down there." Once Elijah was gone, he hurried into the bathroom to tell Nines. Luckily, the bath was already half full and Nines was already done with cleaning up the earlier mess. "Dinner in forty minutes." He pressed a gentle kiss against Nines' lips as he delivered the news, sighing and nuzzling into his bare shoulder. On any other night, he'd say to hell with dinner and stay in their room, but with the lord of the house arranging things, it was best not to. He didn't want to be rude and sour the mood, or damage Elijah's reputation. Nines seemed to share his feelings as he sighed. "Maybe we'll get more in the spirit of things once we're down there."

"Perhaps." Nines wasn't going to bet money on it though. He was pretty tired, and the thought of curling up with Gavin and going back to sleep was far more appealing than going down to eat and socialise. I should probably check on Dad again, at least. He'd been in high spirits when they left earlier, so he was probably still drinking with Allen and Jeffery. With that in mind, he climbed into the bath to clean up properly. He shuffled back to make room as Gavin joined him, their legs tangling beneath the surface.

Unfortunately, they didn't have time for him to enjoy Gavin's body as it deserved. He restrained himself and scrubbed clean, though he enjoyed the view as Gavin did the same. They were soon ready to go downstairs, both dressed smartly. It had been quite a task to get Gavin's collar straight and his tie neatly knotted. Nines had smirked more than once as he huffed and sighed, tying and retying the knot at his throat until he gave in and asked for help.

It was busy by the time they reached the dining hall, which had been filled with even more tables to accommodate everyone. The giddy feeling had clearly held out. The hall was full of patients in wheelchairs, on crutches, wearing slings, with empty sleeves tucked into military jackets or prosthetics strapped in place. It wasn't just the patients. Maids, valets, cooks, stable hands, drivers, nurses, officers, regulars, and even the family of the house were dressed up and wandering through the hall. It was rare, and likely unique, but the entire household had come together to share the relief and joy that the end of war brought.

With so many people, tables and chairs had been brought from all over the house. Many didn't match in height or style. They were lined up in rows where possible, or scattered evenly to allow more people to sit. It was the same with the chairs. The regular dining chairs were there, mixed with battered stools, vanity chairs and deck chairs from all over the house. Nines soon spotted their small group up at the main table with the Aldertons. Elijah clearly knew the lord well. They were deep in conversation as Nines guided Gavin through the crowd.

"Ah! Lord Alderton, this is my brother, Sergeant Reed, and Lieutenant Anderson. They've been patients here these past few months." Gavin shook Alderton's hand awkwardly and accepted the offer of a seat. Nines quietly took the place beside him, both of them nodding along to whatever Elijah said. It was better to let Elijah lead things. He was more experienced with these upper class nobles. Nines was somewhat relieved to see that Hank had managed to keep himself amused. Lady Alderton seemed to be enjoying whatever story he was telling immensely, and Captain Allen was a hit with one of the younger ladies as well.

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