Chapter 58

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I watched as they drove away. I thought about what she said. I can't wait to find my true love. I sat at home for a few hours with my sister. It was later then usual they should have been home an hour ago. But i know sure they are just a little late and they would walk right through that door any minute. But they didn't. It wasn't them it wasn't what I wanted. It seemed to go in slow motion. Every thing that happened right at that moment it was in slap motion. The cops coming in taking us away to the station. Then asking questions. We answered my sister did most of them out of the two of us. Our grandmother who wasn't sick yet coming to get us. Telling the news. "Your parents are dead. They died in the ascendent. A horrible one. You have to live in a home or with your grandmother." Was the last thing the cops said. But they sent us away with our grandmother of course. We didn't want to live in any home. I was only 13. Driving home not having a mother and father anymore. I remember what they told me before they left. And I thought I would never feel loved again the same way. I thought I would never love any one the same. I didn't cry a single tear in the station. My sister did a little but she was 9 so I can't blame her. But i didn't cry. Not till I got up into my room in my house. Then I cried all night. Six weeks we took off from school. Packing our stuff moving into my grandmothers house. Going to the funeral and just getting over this thing. I reluctantly went back to life. But I never for got how I felt. The emptiness and loneliness.

I thought back to this as I stand here waiting for my death. I remember how I thought I would never feel love again. I was wrong right now at this moment I feel love towards the lost boys, Peter. I feel loved by the lost boys, and Peter. I never thought I would feel like it again. And my mom was right it does feel magical.

Sorry I'm still busy but trying. Almost done with this book.😓

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