Chapter 48

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All the motions I felt inside. Throughout this whole thing. All of them came out and something horrifying happened. I screamed loud. Ear pricing scream. The hole ground shake and Hook and the two people went flying across the room. I stopped screaming and was scared. What did I just do? How on earth did I do it? I grabbed Wendy and started dragging her out. Soon Pan picked her up too and I saw he had been hit pretty hard. We ran till we got back to camp. I ran right in to help Wendy. Pan on my heels. I left her to the boy to help her. "What the hell did I do?" I asked Peter. "You finally did it I thought you would never be able to." He said. "do what?" I asked confused. "Use you magical powers." He said blankly. "What I don't have powers." I said. "Oh but you do. You just used them." He said. I thought back to it. The slight tingle I felt right before I screamed and everything shook. All three people went flying but not Pan or Wendy. Did I really do that with powers. "See you can control your powers with emotions." He said reading my mind. "It's like you where mad so you made them go flying across the room." "Wow so I really have magical powers." I said getting excited. "Yes, but I need to train you properly or you can put others and yourself in great danger." He said. I nodded in agreement. I did need to learn I don't even know how I did that back there but I decently wanted to know how. Because I knew who I was gonna use them on first. My thoughts where interrupted by a boy talking to me. "Wendy needs you. I think she's dying."


Welcome to never landTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon