Chapter 53

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After that I was scared. Of myself. What could I do. What if I got to upset and I did that to someone I cared about. I not very good at controlling my emotions and I don't want to let it out at the wrong time. But I definitely want to use them. I can finally put a stop to this. This stupid war. Also I never found out the exact reason why this even started. Too many innocent people dying because of it.
Swayer. The first person to talk to me when I came here. The first real fiend I made. The first person to accept me and to treat me as an equal. He was my first friend but also the first to go. It's been so long and I still can't forget him. And I never will.
Isaac. Even though we met in a weird way. He was supposed to be tottering me and making my life miserable. But he didn't. I'm not sure why but he didn't. He was the one I could be honest with. He stayed with me all those nights as I sat down there rotting away in my cell. He tried to save us even if that meant he couldn't save himself. I never will forget him either. Last but not least.
Wendy. Oh god we're do I start. She came here on a selfless act to save her brothers and still they were dead. She doomed turned out to be an amazing friend. The only other girl gone. She was sweet and caring. She was like the mother to all these boys. I could never be that I have turned to mean and cold from everything that happened to me. But she never turned she was always sweet and kind. Never killed anyone and o had to at least kill more then one boy. But she's gone. They all are.

Sorry if you don't like these kind of reflection chapters. Oh well \•_•\

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