Chapter 11

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It hit the middle. I put it down and turned around to see Peter staring at me with a smirk. "Wow good shot," he said slowly walking up to me. "Thanks," I said quietly. "I never knew you could do things like that. Your even better then I though," he said circling me. "Yea well I'm not a little girl. I can defend myself," I said a little more confidently."Oh yes I can see that," he said then turned to a boy. "Please help her with the other stations. Tomorrow I will help with the sward fighting," Pan said then walked away. "Okay what do you want to do first," a boys said. It was Carl. "The axes," I said because I was the worst at it. "Well not much to it you need strength though. That's the biggest thing," he said then I tried it a few times. I slowly started to get the hang of all them. All along to way Carl helping me. He was actually nice and helpful. "Why are you in change of this," I asked him. "Well Pan gives us jobs to do each day and we have to follow him or els," he said playing with a knife. "Or els what," I asked. "Or els we will be punished. Like Nick or something. Depending on how bad it is will determine how bad the punishment," he said. Then he threw the knife and hit the middle sand said "I'm the best with these." "What will he punish you for," I asked. Just after I thought I was safe. "Well you listen to his every order no matter how bad. You fight with him to the death. Don't leave the camp without his permission. And don't take anything of his," he said. "Wow sounds bad," I said truthfully. "It is but anything is better then home," he said. Home just that word made me miss my old life but not too much. "Is everyone that comes here had a bad life," I asked. "Yea pretty much," he replied looking down. "So what type of things can't you take from him," I asked trying to change the subject. "Anything he claims. Like weapons, animals, other things like that, and you," he said. "What he claimed me," I asked. "Yea he claims what he wants and he wants you," he said. "So he just claimed me now I'm his," I said blankly this kid needs to take a step down off his high horse. Going around claiming things. "Yea you are his all his," Carl said. Well I'm going to have a word with this boy.

Sorry not updating. Still on vacation. Maybe next part by Sundayish. But please read,like, and vote. I need feedback or requests.

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