Chapter 14

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That morning I kept my promise. I went right to training. I warmed up and shot a few arrows. All hitting the middle. Next I went over to the throwing knifes. I did not even get three in before I heard something. "Hey what you are doing here," a familiar voice asked. I turned around to see Carl. "Sorry I just wanted to practice," I lied. "Oh okay I can help you. If you want," he said. "Thanks," I said. I kept throwing the knife and it hit close the the middle almost all the time. Carl did not say anything just stood there. I kept throwing them till I was finished next to the axes. I was pretty bad at these so I looked at Carl. "Well you need strength and throw it like you do with these knifes," he said walking over to me. He took one and threw it with a grunt. It hit right in the middle. "So you are really good," I said. "Why thank you," he said. I took one and threw it. It landed pretty off. I kept trying till I could at leader get it closer. "That's okay you just won't have one when fighting " he said. "Haha thanks," I said sarcastically. I went through all the stations Carl helping me with them. The whole time laughing and having a good time. Actually the first good time since I got here. He sat next to each other. "I think your gonna be just fine here," Carl said taking my hand. "Thanks," I said giving his hand a small squeeze. Then out of no were Pan stepped out. "Hello," he said kinda angrily. Carl stood up quickly. "I can take it from here thank you Carl," he said. Carl nooses his head and went away. I looked at Pan scoldingly. But I just rolled my eyes and stood up ready to learn from Pan.

Sorry updated late again. I had soccer practice. Sorry.

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