Chapter 55

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Three months wow. Can't believe I survived this long. We are slowly getting everything together. More food coming in because the boys kept training and became amazing fighters. Now boys so now we have a full 17 boys including one girl. Some new and weak but they will become strong soon. Like we all did. I even became stronger. I'm getting a better fighter. And my magic is way better I can almost use it as good as Pan. We are rebuilding new houses and getting more supplies. I think it's going great. It's going great for everybody. But the only problem is Hook and his boys. No, they have not attacked us yet but why not. Because they are preparing for the biggest battle yet. But still nothing. We will be ready thought. I can tell they are all ready some more then others. They became stronger and faster. Better using weapons. I can't wait to try out my new powers on those people. Maybe they won't even attack maybe they are not still here. But Peter says he can feel that they are still here. I don't know how he does but I trust him. More then I even did I trust him. We have become closer and he showed me the real him. I'm great full for that he says he won't let anyone hurt me. Carl and o always have fun. But not like we like each other. Just as best friend maybe even brother and sister. Peters okay with this and i know happy. Everyone is. But I don't want to know what they have planed. If Hook has something we can't even beat but what ever happens I will be ready. No matter what as long as I have these people and myself I can do anything. I know we can.

Sorry I don't know when I can update next I'm gonna still be busy this summer.

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