Chapter 28

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The talk that I had with Isaac felt weird. I meant everything I said but i dont know it felt weird saying it out loud. That's how I felt and I usually don't tell people how I really feel. I keep my emotions to myself because no one really cared. But here it felt like people cared. Or they pretended to at least. Well for the rest of the day I stayed in my cell just rotting away. Isaac stayed by my side or the side cell bars. Soon it was evening I could only tell what time it was when hook brought me food. One in the morning. Another for lunch around the afternoon time. Another for dinner around night fall. He brought down my last meal. Soon it would be nightfall. "Why are you keeping me here," I asked hook as he was handing me my food. It only contained some weird meat and bread sometimes an apple. "Why not just kill me now," I said. "Oh we don't want to kill you," he said. "Then why do you keep me here," I asked. I really needed to know. "How els are we supposed to have fun and remained Pan of his mistakes," he said smirking. "What do you mean Pans mistakes," I asked. "He never really wanted to give you up. He did care. That's why I'm confused why he let you go," he said. Wait so he never wanted to let me go. He really did care. If he cared why would he let me go. Into the hands of these people. Scars all over my body because of them. I wanted to know answer and fast.

Sorry about these filler chapters.

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