Chapter 40

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Night soon came I was going to bed early I felt really tired for some reason. But as I was walking into my tent Wendy walked out of hers. She came over to me. "Your really at war?" She asked. I nodded sadly. "Do you think they'll attack?" She asked looking really scared. "I dont know we gave them a really big set back and killed off most of them-" but she cut me off. "Kill!" She yelled louder. "Yes," I said justin her. "You killed people?" She asked whispering. I nodded all the bad memories flooding through my head. The screams the blood. They were just kids confused and I killed them. Ended their life. "Wow. You don't look like a killer," she said. That made me snap for some reason. "Well I did and that's what this place is. You kill or you get killed!" I yelled louder then I wanted to. She looked taken back. But I stormed off into my tent before she could say anything else. I went right to bed. Into a dreamless sleep. The next day I woke up and saw the other boys sitting around a fire and eating. I sat next to Thomas and Carl. "We don't have much only this," Carl said handing me a plate with some greens and some type of meat. I nodded and eat I was so hungry I don't care. Soon i noticed Wendy was no were to be found. I went over to her rent and she wasn't in there either. "Hey have any of you seen Wendy?" I asked out loud. They all smoke their heads no. I suddenly got very nervous. So I sprinted into the woods a few running after me. I was nervous Wendy don't know anything she could get herself killed here. Soon I turned a corner and saw a big hill hunched over water and Wendy standing on top. "Wendy get down!" I screamed. She looked down at us and just ignored us. It looked like she was going to jump.

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