Chapter 30

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I was completely and utterly shocked. How, why, what. All these questions ran through my head. He was here. "Hurry we need to go," he said holding out his hand. I shook my head I was so shocked. I never would have guess he would have came for me. "Please come on," he said taking a step closer. I was all the was agents the wall so I couldn't go anywhere. "Why are you here," I asked stuttering a little. "I told you I wasn't leaving you. I would come back for you," he said walking all the way to me closing the space. All the emotions came through. I wanted to yell at him for leaving me and show him everything I went through. I wanted to kiss him for coming back and showing me how he really cares. So I just hugged him. "I can't believe you came back," I said holding him. He held me back tight. "I would never leave you here," he said rubbing my back. Then I quickly pulled back at hit him in the chest. "Why did you do that. Do you know what they did to me. Well bad things," I said raising my voice. "I'm so sorry but I'll explain why when we get back," he said grabbing my hands. I looked into his green eyes and I fell in love. That moment it all made me feel a way I have never felt before. I leaned in and kissed him. Sparks I felt sparks. My hands were on his chest and his arms rapped around my back holding me close and making me feel safe. I did feel safe when I was with him. I wanted to go back with him. I wanted him.

Sorry really late update. I sux

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